Thebex is an Elixir client for the ThingsBoard REST API.
This is a work in progress, though usable, not yet stable. There are no tests. Expect things to change. A few endpoints have been implemented (see below). Feel free to contribute your own endpoints.
Thebex is not available in Hex yet, so it needs to be installed from this repository.
The API URL must be configured in your config.exs
. For example:
config :thebex, :thingsboard_api_url, ""
If you just want to test the API via iex
, you can manually configure the URL by using:
iex(1)> Application.put_env(:thebex, :thingsboard_api_url, "")
Currently available endpoints:
Thebex.login(username, password)
Thebex.customers(token, page, page_size, params \\ [])
Thebex.users(token, page, page_size, params \\ [])
Thebex.customer_title(token, customer_id)
Thebex.customer_devices(token, customer_id, page, page_size, params \\ [])
Thebex.entity_timeseries(token, entity, params \\ [])
Thebex.entity_latest_timeseries(token, entity, params \\ [])
The supported params
are mainly those documented in Swagger. See the lib/thebex/client.ex
file for further insight.
First login to get a token to access the API:
iex(1)> {:ok, token} = Thebex.login("", "password123")
{:ok, "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJmcmFuY2lzY..."}
Then every function from the API will require this token as its first argument.
# Get the latest telemetry from a single device.
iex(2)> device = %Thebex.Schema.EntityId{entity_type: "DEVICE", id: "a4377650..."}
# Endpoint reference at
iex(3)> Thebex.entity_latest_timeseries(token, device)
"humidity" => %Thebex.Schema.DataPoint{ts: 1642986254092, value: 90},
"temperature" => %Thebex.Schema.DataPoint{ts: 1642986254092, value: 28}