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Docker environement stack with APACHE, MYSQL, PHP


Requirement docker-compose

Stack Setup

  • Apache version: 2.4
  • PHP version: 7.1
  • MySQL version: 5.6

Docker Images

  • php:7.1-apache
  • mysql:5.6


│   .env
│   .gitignore
│   docker-compose.yml
│   Makefile
│       index.php
│       info.php
│   ├───mysql
│   │   │   Dockerfile
│   │   │   
│   │   └───init
|   |           000-operations.sql
│   │           dbapp.sql
|   |           zzz-operations.sql
│   │       
│   └───php-apache
│           app.conf
│           Dockerfile

Environment Variables

Environment file: .env

Edit or view this file before building the stack

Variable description

  • PROJECT_NAME: Name of your docker stack
  • VERSION_ID: ID of your project stack. (Use it only if you want try more version of your project)
  • XDEBUG: Using 1 if you want install xdegub module, otherwise using 0.
  • TIME_ZONE: Time zone, using form PHP and MySQL.
  • APP_URL: Url of your web app. Using for CMS/Frameweork like Wordpress, CodeIgniter, etc.
  • APACHE_PORT_EXPOSED: Exposed port of you're web app.
  • DB_PORT_EXPOSED: Used only if you want connetc to database with external client. It's port number used for connetcting with external client like HeidiSQL or MySQL Workbench to create database and tables. Configure external client connetction using host, username root whereas password your DB_ROOTPASS and port your DB_PORT_EXPOSED as in environment file.
  • DB_ROOTPASS: MySQL root password. It's not safe use this method in production but for development it's acceptable.
  • DB_USER: User name for connetion database from your webapp.
  • DB_PASS: User password for connetion database from your webapp.
  • DB_NAME: Database of your webapp. Will be created at the build. Otherwise you can create database from docker exec or external client.


Webapp foleder: src

This is you WebApp folder. Put here your PHP source project (CMS/Framework/Sources).

For connetcting to databse with Framework or source code use getenv() variables (view index.php source).

$dbhost = getenv('DB_HOST');
$dbuser = getenv('DB_USER');
$dbpass = getenv('DB_PASS');

For install a CMS with wizard setup use:

  • hostname: db
  • database: the environment variable DB_NAME as in environment file
  • username: the environment variable DB_USER as in environment file
  • password: the environment variable DB_PASS as in environment file
  • port: 3306 it's important to declare it!

Database folder: db

If you haven't this folder, will be it create at the first build.

db folder contains your project's database, don't modify the files inside it. If you need to move your project enviroment, remember to move this folder with its content. If you don't want the databases to be inside the project folder use the docker-compose volumes.

Logs folder: logs

Writing logs to files is disabled by default. To enable it, read the Note.


The stack has also been tested with PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7, MariaDB 10.*. You can change these variables directly in the Dockerfile.

The first time of build after finish if you not connect to database aptendm some minute because the container must be inizilize all system.

If you want to use persistent and encrypted databases storage, you can use the docker volumes by editing the docker-compose.yml as below.

# ...
# ...
# ...
      # - ./db:/var/lib/mysql
      - database:/var/lib/mysql
# ...

# add after services

If you've a database dump you can add the .sql, .gz dump file in docker\mysql\init and uncomment the follow row. The database will be created at the first build.

# ...
# ...
# ...
      - ./docker/mysql/init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
# ...

Also, if you need to perform other operations on databases at the first build, you can edit the following files by entering the queries that you need:

  • docker\mysql\init\000-operations.sql
  • docker\mysql\init\zzz-operations.sql

These operations will only be performed on the first build

PHP and Apache logs can be followed on the terminal (default whit stdout, stderr) by docker-compose logs -f web command. If instead you want to have them in a file, edit the docker-compose.yml by adding this line as below.

# ...
# ...
# ...
      - ./logs/web:/var/log/apache2
      # ...
# ...

For enable MySQL logs edit docker/mysql/Dockerfile uncomment this command

RUN sed -i "s/#log-error/log-error/g" /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

When stack is ready visit http://localhost

For show PHP info go to http://localhost/info.php

Build and Run

If you're on linux system you can run:

  • make install - builds and init your stack
  • make start - start your stack
  • make stop - stop your stack
  • make remove - remove your stack but mantain your databases and logs
  • make purge - remove your stack and delete all databases and clear logs files
  • make validate - validate your docker-compose.yml file if you're do any changes
  • make bash-db - enter with bash into db container
  • make bash-web - enter with bash into web container

Command in nutshell for build, start, stop, remove and validate the docker stack.

  • docker-compose up -d --build - builds and init your stack

  • docker-compose down - remove your stack but mantain your databases and logs

  • docker-compose start - start your stack

  • docker-compose stop - stop your stack

  • docker-compose down --volumes - like down but also removes volumes

  • docker-compose config validate your stack

  • docker-compose exec SERVICE_NAME bash enters with bash terminal into container