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Releases: fwk3d/v1


18 Feb 21:46
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new: experiment with different art/ layout,
new: OSX .dylib instructions (@whoamigo)
new: expose window aspect ratio lock (@zaklaus)
new: improve vsync control + window pacing improvements (@zaklaus)
new: update assimp to latest (5.2.1)
new: new demos/lua/debugger.lua
new: MAKE.bat demo (@zaklaus), MAKE.bat checkmem (minimize false positives), MAKE.bat dll (MT)
new: add PROGRESS cook symbol, extra clarifications in fwk.ini
new: add audio playback params (@zaklaus)
new: object texture push/pop state mechanism (@zaklaus)
chg: dll, bindings, docs.
chg: sfxr2wav.osx (@RafaVico), sfxr2wav.linux (@procedural), (@procedural)
chg: window keep_aspect() > lock_aspect(); window lock() > lock_fps(); window unlock_fps()
fix: archLinux packages (MAKE.bat),
fix: cosmetic fixes (,
fix: do not process vc c/c++ .obj files as wavefront .obj files,
fix: edge case while launching from subfolder without any tools folder (Thx Sushil!),
fix: fix docs displaying on some browsers by moving markdeep section to eof
fix:, variadic data_count(...)
fix: crash when no fwk.ini is present (@whoamigo),
fix: reduce tcc folder size a little bit,
fix: support for PBR compressed textures,
fix: yield instead of sleep_ns() if min amount time cannot be satisfied
fix: prevent cpu hogging if no fps lock is given during cook



09 Nov 11:55
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new: PBR metallic-roughness workflow pipeline, demo_pbr.c
new: PBR renderer, materials and colormaps
new: cooking stage is now optional (able to work without the art/tools folder)
new: window_lock() fps, time_ns(), sleep_ns(), --with-adaptive-vsync
new: rebase sprite camera origin to center of screen, which eases camera panning/zooming (@SushilRagoonath), update demo_sprite.c
new: ui_bits8/16(), va(), use high-resolution timers now
new: smooth sprite scaling (hopefully), battery()
new: rotatex3(), rotatey3(), rotatez3()
new: data_find()
new: dialog_load(), dialog_save()
new: IMAGE_FLOAT, colormap_t, pbr_material_t
new: shader_bool(), shader_uint(), shader_texture(), shader_colormap()
new: camera_orbit()
new: ui_color3f(), ui_color4f(), ui_radio(), ui_colormap(), ui_labelf()
new: window_frame()
chg: fwk.x > fwk, shader_texture() -> shader_texture_unit()
chg: profile(x) -> profile("x")
chg: ui_image() signature, tile() signature
chg: remove mesh_push_state() + mesh_pop_state()
fix: add ART= symbol support in fwk.ini, unclutter root folder again, >64k shader logs
fix: potential strsplit() overflow, billboards, ui_hovering()
fix: .hdr pipeline, linux cooking TOOLS folder, fxFXAA3



16 Oct 14:04
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new: extract all 3rd libs into a separate header
new: configurable asset pipeline (see fwk.ini file), Cooker optimizations,
new: standalone tools/cooker.c, --with-wine, --with-jobs=N, cuttlefish.exe, pvrtextoolcli.exe,
new: .ttf/ttc truetype support, .sfxr/.s3m/.it support, .glb support,
new: enable matcaps, demo_material.c, demo_easing.c, VIDEO_RGB, VIDEO_NO_AUDIO, video_textures(),
new: support for compressed textures, KTX/2,PVRI/II,ASTC,BASIS
new: texture_compressed(), texture_compressed_from_mem()
new: camera_enable(), --with-camera-smooth, date_epoch(), file_exist(), file_move(), file_delete()
new: RELEASE/OPTIMIZE/O_FLAG directives, sort_u64(), clampi(), PUTS(), str(), strupper(), strlower(),
new: font_face(), font_scales(), font_color(), font atlases, font ranges, --debug-font-atlas,
chg: remove MOD/XM/FLAC decoders gone (albeit formats still supported),
chg: stringf_cat() > strcatf(), change strcatf() signature,
chg: date_human() > date(), file_stamp_human() > file_stamp(), file_stamp() > file_stamp_epoch()
chg: sprite_update() > sprite_flush(), viewport_color() > viewport_color3()
fix: plausible fixes for cooker_stop(), option() and flag() (from @edubart)
fix: tcc stat() so paths end with no slashes
fix: bump up miniaudio+tl versions, tweak README
fix: reduce reserved mem for OOM handler, silent os_exec(), tweak hash_ptr(), linux file_list(), mingw-gcc11-seh fixes
fix: simplify each_array(), bugfix array_unique()+each_set()+each_set_ptr(),
art: sponza model, shaderball model, newer fonts,



25 Sep 10:51
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new: luajit bindings, DLL support, documentation generator and website
new: versioning fwk.dll file now
new: video_pause(), argc/v flag(), -DWITH_SELFIES=1, ui_image()
new: window_icon(), cooker_config()
new: die(), hexdump(), hexdumpf(),
new: RGB3(), RGB4(), sprite_update(),
new: app_name(), time_us(), sleep_us()
chg: sprite()->tile(), sprite_ex()->sprite(),
chg: time_human()->date_human(),
chg: ui_bool/float/string_const()->ui_const_bool/float/string()
fix: udp_sendto(), clock_gettime(), screenshot()
fix: fix #9, fix compilation on vanilla windows (no msvc, no gcc); embed vc140 runtime deps for ass2iqe.exe
fix: updated gamepad mappings
fix: tcc+win warnings, mingw64 warnings
fix: improved mingw detection
fix: OSX/Linux fixes



13 Aug 21:42
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2021.8 Pre-release

new: initial codebase
