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Smooth enhancements to 1.3

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@andydotxyz andydotxyz released this 08 Jul 21:21
· 7263 commits to master since this release

Release v1.3.2 provides much smoother resize and refresh of windows and scroll containers.
There are also various other bug fixes and improvements including the following highlights:


  • Linux packaged apps now include a Makefile to aid install


  • Fyne package supports specific architectures for Android
  • Reset missing textures on refresh
  • Custom confirm callbacks now called on implicitly shown dialogs
  • SelectEntry can update drop-down list during OnChanged callback
  • TextGrid whitespace color now matches theme changes
  • Order of Window Resize(), SetFixedSize() and CenterOnScreen() does no matter before Show()
  • Containers now refresh their visuals as well as their Children on Refresh()


  • Capped StrokeWidth on canvas.Line (#831)
  • Canvas lines, rectangles and circles do not resize and refresh correctly
  • Black flickering on resize on MacOS and OS X (possibly not on Catalina) (#1122)
  • Crash when resizing window under macOS (#1051, #1140)
  • Set SetFixedSize to true, the menus are overlapped (#1105)
  • Ctrl+v into text input field crashes app. Presumably clipboard is empty (#1123, #1132)
  • Slider default value doesn't stay inside range (#1128)
  • The position of window is changed when status change from show to hide, then to show (#1116)
  • Creating a windows inside onClose handler causes Fyne to panic (#1106)
  • Backspace in entry after SetText("") can crash (#1096)
  • Empty main menu causes panic (#1073)
  • Installing using fyne install on Linux now works on distrubutions that don't use /usr/local
  • Fix recommendations from staticcheck
  • Unable to overwrite file when using dialog.ShowFileSave (#1168)