For our scraping needs, we found it useful to break up the crawl and the scrape into different libraries. This is just the crawler, which returns a deduped array of urls for a given website.
git clone
cd link-discoverer
npm i
npm run dev
# OR
node index.js
You need an authenticated GCloud account with a project will billing configured and access to IAM and Cloud Run services.
You also need the project name, which is referenced as $GCP_PROJECT_ID
gcloud iam service-accounts create link-discoverer-identity
gcloud run deploy link-discoverer \
--image$GCP_PROJECT_ID/link-discoverer \
--service-account rover-identity \
Select [1] for Cloud Run (fully managed) Select [21] for us-west1 region
Record Service URL from response and the sevice-account name you provided. Those will be used by the service invoking this run.