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Timepicker Plugin for jQuery

timepicker screenshot

See a demo and examples here

jquery.timepicker is a lightweight timepicker plugin for jQuery inspired by Google Calendar. It supports both mouse and keyboard navigation, and weighs in at 2.5kb minified and gzipped.




options is an optional javascript object with parameters explained below.

You can also set options as data attributes on the intput elements, like <input type="text" data-time-format="H:i:s" />. Timepicker still needs to be initialized by calling $('#someElement').timepicker();.


  • appendTo Override where the dropdown is appended. Takes either a string to use as a selector, a function that gets passed the clicked input element as argument or a jquery object to use directly. default: "body"

  • className A class name to apply to the HTML element that contains the timepicker dropdown. default: null

  • closeOnWindowScroll Close the timepicker when the window is scrolled. (Replicates <select> behavior.) default: false

  • disableTimeRanges Disable selection of certain time ranges. Input is an array of time pairs, like ```[['3:00am', '4:30am'], ['5:00pm', '8:00pm']]`` default: []

  • disableTextInput Disable editing the input text and force the user to select a value from the timepicker list. default: false

  • disableTouchKeyboard Disable the onscreen keyboard for touch devices. default: false

  • durationTime The time against which showDuration will compute relative times. If this is a function, its result will be used. default: minTime

  • forceRoundTime Force update the time to step settings as soon as it loses focus. default: false

  • lang Language constants used in the timepicker. Can override the defaults by passing an object with one or more of the following properties: decimal, mins, hr, hrs. default: { decimal: '.', mins: 'mins', hr: 'hr', hrs: 'hrs' }

  • maxTime The time that should appear last in the dropdown list. Can be used to limit the range of time options. default: 24 hours after minTime

  • minTime The time that should appear first in the dropdown list. default: 12:00am

  • scrollDefaultNow If no time value is selected, set the dropdown scroll position to show the current time. default: false

  • scrollDefaultTime If no time value is selected, set the dropdown scroll position to show the time provided, e.g. "09:00". default: false

  • selectOnBlur Update the input with the currently highlighted time value when the timepicker loses focus. default: false

  • showDuration Shows the relative time for each item in the dropdown. minTime or durationTime must be set. default: false

  • step The amount of time, in minutes, between each item in the dropdown. default: 30

  • timeFormat How times should be displayed in the list and input element. Uses PHP's date() formatting syntax. default: 'g:ia'

  • typeaheadHighlight Highlight the nearest corresponding time option as a value is typed into the form input. default: true


  • getSecondsFromMidnight Get the time as an integer, expressed as seconds from 12am.

  • getTime Get the time using a Javascript Date object, relative to a Date object (default: today).

     $('#getTimeExample').timepicker('getTime'[, new Date()]);

    You can get the time as a string using jQuery's built-in val() function:

  • hide Close the timepicker dropdown.

  • option Change the settings of an existing timepicker. Calling option on a visible timepicker will cause the picker to be hidden.

     $('#optionExample').timepicker({ 'timeFormat': 'g:ia' });
     $('#optionExample').timepicker('option', 'minTime', '2:00am');
     $('#optionExample').timepicker('option', { 'minTime': '4:00am', 'timeFormat': 'H:i' });
  • remove Unbind an existing timepicker element.

  • setTime Set the time using a Javascript Date object.

     $('#setTimeExample').timepicker('setTime', new Date());
  • show Display the timepicker dropdown.



  • change The native onChange event will fire any time the input value is updated, whether by selection from the timepicker list or manual entry into the text input. Your code should bind to change after initializing timepicker, or use event delegation.

  • changeTime Called after a valid time value is entered or selected. See timeFormatError and timeRangeError for error events. Fires before change event.

  • hideTimepicker Called after the timepicker is closed.

  • selectTime Called after a time value is selected from the timepicker list. Fires before change event.

  • showTimepicker Called after the timepicker is shown.

  • timeFormatError Called if an unparseable time string is manually entered into the timepicker input. Fires before change event.

  • timeRangeError Called if a maxTime, minTime, or disableTimeRanges is set and an invalid time is manually entered into the timepicker input. Fires before change event.


Sample markup with class names:

<input value="5:00pm" class="ui-timepicker-input" type="text">
<div class="ui-timepicker-wrapper optional-custom-classname" tabindex="-1">
	<ul class="ui-timepicker-list">
		<li class="ui-timepicker-selected">5:00pm</li>
		<li class="ui-timepicker-disabled">5:30pm</li>
		<li>6:00pm <span class="ui-timepicker-duration">(1 hour)</span></li>


Submit a GitHub Issues request.

Development guidelines

  1. Install dependencies (jquery + grunt) npm install
  2. For sanity checks and minification run grunt, or just grunt lint to have the code linted

This software is made available under the open source MIT License. © 2012 Jon Thornton, contributions from Anthony Fojas, Vince Mi, Nikita Korotaev, Spoon88, elarkin, lodewijk, jayzawrotny, David Mazza, Matt Jurik, Phil Freo, orloffv, patdenice, Raymond Julin, Gavin Ballard, Steven Schmid, ddaanet


A jQuery timepicker plugin inspired by Google Calendar.






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