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Configuration Variables (CV) List

kai edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 10 revisions

Comments regarding Configuration Variables:

CV.h contains default values for every CV. When your board is still "factory new" these values are automatically written into flash. CV_65 == 255 indicates a factory condition and resets all CVs to default. Alternatively to reset all CVs to default a value of 8 can be written to CV8. Also note that index 0 in the CV array corresponds with CV_1, index 1 corresponds with CV_2 and so forth. This list only contains CVs that are in use.

Speed step configuration:

Speed Table

  • V_min = CV_2
  • V_mid = CV_6 * 16
  • V_max = CV_5 * 16

The illustration above shows how the speed steps can be configured using the corresponding CVs. The red * represents V_min which is always at speed step 1, the green * shows V_mid at speed step 64 and the blue * shows V_max at speed step 126.

CV List:

CV_1 - Basic address

Short DCC address

CV_2 - V_min

Min motor voltage/speed

CV_3 - Acceleration rate

CV_3*CV_175 = Time for one discrete speed step change in ms

CV_4 - Deceleration rate

CV_4*CV_175 = Time for one discrete speed step change in ms

CV_5 - V_max

Max motor voltage/speed - V_max = CV_5 * 16

CV_6 - V_mid

Mid motor voltage/speed - V_max = CV_6 * 16

CV_7 - Version No. (Read-Only)

Rev 0.3 = 1

Writing a value of 7 triggers am ADC offset adjustment.

CV_8 - Manufacturer (Read-Only)

Default = "13" = Public Domain & Do-It-Yourself Decoders

Writing a value of 8 resets all CV values to the default values in CV.h. This will also happen if CV_65 == "255" == "0xFF".

CV_9 - Motor PWM Frequency

f in Hz = CV_9 * 100 + 10000

CV_11 - Packet timeout

If no package is received for x seconds (x = CV_11) the decoder will automatically stop the motor (Emergency Stop).

CV_12 - Permitted operating modes

Currently DCC Digital mode is the only supported mode.

CV_17 & CV_18 - 14-Bit extended/long address

Address is only used if bit5 has a value of "1" in CV_29.

Long Address

Bit15 and bit14 which correspond to bit7 and bit6 of CV_17 are always "1". CV_17 = "192" & CV_18 = "0" is also not a valid address. Otherwise the valid value range of CV_17 ranges from "192" to "231" and "0" to "255" for CV_18 respectively.

CV_29 - Decoder Configuration

Bit0 is used to reverse direction i.e. "0" = normal, "1" = reverse. Bit5 switches between basic and extended addressing modes i.e. "0" = basic address, "1" = extended address. The other 6 bits are currently not in use and therefore irrelevant.

CV_31 & CV_32 - Extended CV pointer (Read-Only)

Not in use.

CV_47 - Feed-forward gain k_ff

k_ff defines the correction behavior with regard to the y2 variable. High values for k_ff lead to a faster change in the variable. Values for k_ff that are too high can lead to oscillations. k_ff = CV_47/10000

CV_48 - Filter time constant (tau) in ms

The time constant tau characterizes the low-pass filter which is connected downstream in the D component of the PID controller

CV_49 - PID Control sampling time t in ms

Every t seconds the pid_control() function gets called to compute the new control output

CV_50 - PID Control I Factor

Integral gain factor of the PID-Controller

CV_51 - PID Control D Factor

Derivative gain factor of the PID-Controller

CV_52 & CV_53 - PID Integral Limits

Maximum and minimum integral part values

CV_54 & CV_55 - Gain scheduling config k_p @ x0

CV_54 - High Byte -- CV_55 - Low Byte

CV_56 & CV_57 - Gain scheduling config k_p @ x1

CV_56 - High Byte -- CV_57 - Low Byte

CV_58 & CV_59 - Gain scheduling config k_p @ x2

CV_58 - High Byte -- CV_59 - Low Byte

CV_60 - Gain scheduling config x1 shift percentage

Determines position of x1 in percent -> x1 shift in % ≙ CV_60/255

CV_61 - Measurement Iterations

Total amount of BEMF-Voltage measurement iterations

CV_62 - Measurement Delay

BEMF-Voltage measurement delay

CV_63 & CV_64 - Measurement array cutoffs

CV_63 determines how many elements from the left side (beginning with index 0) of the array will be discarded while CV_64 determines how many elements from the right side (beginning from highest index) will be discarded.

CV_65 - New flash variable

Each Byte of the factory new flash chip should have a inital state of "0xFF". This will be checked for in the beginning of core0.c (see cv_setup_check()). When CV_65 == "255" == "0xFF" the default config (CV.h) will be written to flash. Alternatively a reset to default can be done by either writing "8" to CV_8 or writing "255" to CV_65 which then triggers a reset on startup.

CV_112, CV_113, CV_114, CV_115 - GPIO PWM Configuration

PWM enabled "1" - PWM disabled "0"

CV_116 to CV_171 - PWM Slice configuration

GPIO Slices

Every slice controls two independent output channels, duty cycle from 0% to 100% inclusive and can be configured with several parameters:

  • Wrap (16Bit): Sets the slice time period of x cycles - effectively determining the frequency
  • Clock Divider: Additional clock divider
  • Level Channel A / Level Channel B - (16Bit each): Determining how many of the x cycles the signal is at a high level - effectively determining the duty cycle

To see which CVs correspond to which slice and channel, it is advisable to use CV.h as a reference

The PWM-frequency is calculated as follows: fPWM = 125 MHz / [ (CVclk_div + 1) * (CVwrap + 1) ]

The duty-cycle can be calculated as follows: D = CVLevel / CVwrap + 1

Example configuration - (AUX2: PWM-Frequency fPWM = 10kHz; Duty-cycle D = 20%):

AUX1 => GPIO25 => Slice 4 / Channel B => Wrap: CV_144 & CV_145; Clock-divider: CV_146; Level(B): CV_149 & CV_150

=> fPWM = 10kHz = 125 MHz / [ (0 + 1) * (12499 + 1) ];

=> CV_144 = 110000, CV_145 = 11010011, CV_146 = 0; --- (Note: "12499dec" = "11000011010011bin")

=> CVLevel = CV_149 & CV_150 = D * (CVwrap + 1) = 0.2 * 12500 = 2500

=> CV_149 = 1001, CV_150 = 11000100; --- (Note: "2500dec" = "100111000100bin")

Another configuration which also achieves 10kHz and D = 20% would be CVclk_div = 10, CVwrap = 1249, CVLevel = 250.

A more detailed explanation regarding PWM can be found in the RP2040-Datasheet - Chapter 4.5.

CV_172 - ADC Offset

If CV_172 = "0xFF" = "255" there will be a measurement procedure on startup

CV_173 - ADC offset measurement cycles

Determines how many ADC offset measurement iterations are done.

CV_174 - Additional motor-PWM clock divider.

Additional Clock Divider - works the same as any GPIO clock divider

CV_175 - speed_helper timer delay

This timer delay can be used to change the time between two speed steps. So basically an additional option to adjust the deceleration and acceleration rate.

CV_176, CV_177, CV_178, CV_179 - Base PWM Level used in feed-forward control

CV_176 - High Byte forward -- CV_177 - Low Byte forward -- CV_178 - High Byte reverse -- CV_179 - Low Byte reverse

These values are equivalent to y1(forward) and y1(reverse) mentioned here. Writing "0" to all four CVs schedules a new calibration on startup.

CV_257 to CV_512 - Function Mapping CVs

The switching status of the outputs depends both on the function instruction received and on the current direction of travel. That means you can, for example, use a function to switch two or more outputs or, as is usual with headlights, switch them depending on the direction of travel. For configuration, 32 bits (corresponding to the GPIOs) are available for each function in each direction of travel.

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