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Vehicles API made in PHP Laravel 5.4.36

This API return a list of vehicles when provided the model, manufacture and model-year of the vehicles. The data is extracted from the NHTSA API.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software

  1. Download and install git: installing github
  2. Download and install composer, you can follow the instructions on this link: installing composer

Installing the Project API Vehicles

First you need to clone the repository in your machine, that command will create a folder called php-api-vehicles

git clone

To run the project you need to install the modules and the dependencies

composer install

After that, you need to copy the .env.example to .env

If you are in Windows use

copy .env.example .env

If You are in Linux use

cp .env.example .env

Than, you need to generate the keys to your Laravel application

php artisan key:generate

Running the project

To run the project you just need to execute this command

php artisan serve --port 8000

and then this output will be in presented in the screen

Laravel development server started: <>

Running the tests

The tests will run in so it is important to execute the php artisan serve in the port 8000.

To perform the tests I used the Swaggest JsonDiff, that help me to compare what was expected (presented in php-api-assignment) and what was returned by my API.

To run the tests you just simple execute this instruction in your command line

If you are in Windows use


If you are in Linux use


Tests that will run

You can find bellow all the API Requests that will be tested

POST /vehicles?modelYear=2015&manufacture=Audi&model=A3&withRating=true
POST /vehicles?modelYear=2015&manufacture=Audi&model=A3&withRating=false
POST /vehicles?modelYear=2015&manufacture=Toyota&model=Yaris&withRating=bananas
POST /vehicles?manufacture=Toyota&model=Yaris (without modelYear)
GET /vehicles/2015/Audi/A3
GET /vehicles/2015/Toyota/Yaris
GET /vehicles/2015/Audi/A3?withRating=true
GET /vehicles/2015/Toyota/Yaris?withRating=true
GET /vehicles/undefined/Audi/A3
GET /vehicles/bananas/Audi/A3
GET /vehicles/2015/Ford/Crowd%20Victoria
GET /vehicles/2015/Ford

If that will be correct, it will return an OK message.

Built With

API Documentation

I used the Swagger UI for documenting the API.

You just need to download the /dist folder in this project and open the index.html inside this folder to see the API documentation. Or you can just click this link:

API Documentation


  • Gabriel Silva Sorrentino


  • I would like to work in Modus Create to create a better future with technology and innovation,
  • and because I like to learn anything new every single day.
  • Thanks =)


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