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Version 0.5.0

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@gabrielemariotti gabrielemariotti released this 07 Jan 06:29
· 576 commits to master since this release
  • LIB: Now you can export your card as Bitmap (doc)
  • LIB: Now adapters support cards with different Inner Layouts (doc)
  • LIB: Added an Undo Action on swipe in CardArrayAdapter (doc)
  • LIB: Added a method to replace the inner layout in a card: cardView.replaceCard(Card card). - (doc)
  • LIB: Added a id field in the Card model.
  • LIB: Added a type field in the Card model. It can be useful with adapters.
  • LIB: Changed the card background. Now cards have a default corner radius = 2dp. You can customize it easily . (doc)
  • LIB: Added Broadcast to know when the download is finished and image is attached to ImageView through CardViewThumbnail (doc)
  • DEMO: Added the share action in BirthDayCardFragment and StockCardFragment to export a card in a bitmap format.
  • DEMO: Added a list with different inner layouts.
  • DEMO: Added an example with undo action.
  • DEMO: Added an example with "replace inner layout" in Refresh card example.