The objective of this project is to develop a program for color-based image segmentation using the standard k-means clustering algorithm and to speed up the execution by parallelizing the code using OpenMP.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
The compilation of the parallel version of the program requires OpenMP 4.5, which is supported starting from GCC 6.1.
The project can be compiled using the make command. Launching make all
will produce:
serial.out: the serial version of the program.
omp.out: the parallel version implemented using OpenMP.
Some examples of usage are:
./serial.out -k 4 imgs/test_s.jpg
: to execute the serial program with four clusters on a test image. -
./omp.out -k 4 -t 4 imgs/test_s.jpg
: to execute the parallel version with four clusters using four CPU threads.
This project is UNLICENSED.
External help have been used for handling the I/O of images:
stb_image(v2.19): to load the color values of the pixels of the input images.
stb_image_write(v1.09): to create images from pixel values.
These libraries are part of an amazing project that can be found here.