A set of Android studio templates to make Clean MVP ligher to handle. This templates are based on FreeMarker
Windows Execute 'windows_install.bat' with adm privileges. Make sure your Android Studio folder is "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins\android\lib\templates".
Mac Execute 'mac_install.sh' with adm privileges.
- Copy clean folder.
- Go to your Android Studio app, then Contents/plugins/android/lib/templates/other.
- Windows - "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins\android\lib\templates"
- Mac - "/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/android/lib/templates"
- Paste it
- Restart Android Studio if it's running.
Make sure to check the repo for updated templates, for it you always have to remove and add the updated template again.
- Launch Android Studio
Right click -> New
. Make sure 'Root Package name' is your PackageId.- Done
- MVP Clean Activity
- Activity (/Presentation/View/Activity)
- Presenter (/Presentation/View/Presenter)
- Contract (/Presentation/View)
- ViewModel (/Presentation/View/Model)
- ViewModelMapper (/Presentation/View/Mapper)
- Template Format Document - Android ADT Template Format Document