A simple application to notify when a website goes down.
- Python >= 3.6
- Redis Server == 6.0.3 | Download Here.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/gabrielloliveira/sitecrashed.git
- Change to the project directory and create a virtualenv.
cd sitecrashed && python -m venv env
- Activate virtualenv and install the project requirements.
source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create an .env file with environment variables.
cp contrib/env-example sitecrashed/.env
😘👆 Don't forget to fill in your settings.
- Run migrations.
python manage.py migrate
- Create superuser (and insert your email)
python manage.py createsuperuser
First, you need to be running the Redis Server. After that, run the Celery (responsible for executing the scheduled tasks).
- To run the Celery
celery -A sitecrashed worker --beat --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler --loglevel=info
Now you can run the Django
python manage.py runserver
The celery will check for a user-defined period of time that registered sites are responding with status code 200.
The result of the request is processed and an event type object is written.
These are the types:
Type | When |
UP | response.status_code == 200 |
DOWN | response.status_code != 200 |
NOTIFICATION | Owner website received an email |
😄 The website owner will receive a notification that the website has crashed when the web application logs 5 consecutive DOWN events.
I prefer to check my websites every minute. So, if any of them doesn't respond for 5 minutes, I will receive an email with a notification that the site crashed.
To set this up in django, I create a 1 minute interval in periodic tasks.
And in periodic tasks, I list this interval of 1 minute for the execution of the check_website_status task.
If you want to delete the data, there is a task that deletes all events (clean_events). Just schedule it with a period of time you like.