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Quick Start

# - copy all .env.example files to each .env file recursively (non-overwriting)
# - generate laravel app key if not exists
# - build docker images and launch containers


then open http://localhost:8888 in your browser.
npm Hot Module Replacement enabled from the start in the app container server.

Handle Docker images and containers

Build images and launch containers manually

# build in parallel
docker-compose build --parallel

# build and launch in one liner
docker-compose up -d --build

# launch recreating all docker containers
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

# launch recreating specific a docker container
# (--no-deps option avoid other depending containers launching)
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate [--no-deps] <service_name>

Login containers

# app container (built from alpine based image) 
docker exec -it lvdc_app ash

# other containers (build from debian based image)
docker exec -it lvdc_mysql bash
docker exec -it lvdc_redis bash

Install or update packages by itself

use --rm option if you want to remove the container after its work is done.


Install packages

docker-compose run [--rm] composer

Update package

docker-compose run [--rm] composer update


docker-compose run [--rm] composer dumpautoload
# or
docker-compose run [--rm] composer dump-autoload


Install packages

docker-compose run [--rm] yarn install

Update packages

docker-compose run [--rm] composer yarn upgrade --latest

Add a package

docker-compose run [--rm] composer yarn add [-D] <package_name>