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FSharp Journeys

A coding challenge based on the one defined by Mike Hadlow github.

This implementation is entirely written in F# and it's a dotnet core 3.0 solution.

Build on your machine

If you want to build this soltion, execute the following commands:

git clone
cd fsharp-journeys
dotnet build

If you want to run the tests, execute the following command:

dotnet test

Run the console application

To run the application and see the output, execute the following commands from the root folder of the repository:

cd ./src/FSharp.Journeys.Console
dotnet run

The journeys are defined in the input.txt file.

Most of those are correct:

❗Start Journey n. 1❗

Initial robot state:
{ Position = Position (1, 1)
  Direction = East }

[TurnRight; MoveForward; TurnRight; MoveForward; TurnRight; MoveForward;
 TurnRight; MoveForward]

Expected final robot state:
{ Position = Position (1, 1)
  Direction = East }

Actual final robot state:
{ Position = Position (1, 1)
  Direction = East }

Test result: PASS 🎉

I've also added two more wrong journeys to check the output (one with parsing errors and the other with mismatch expected-actual final robot state):

❗️Start Journey n. 4❗️

Parsing error ⛔️
Failed to parse state -> Failed to parse direction: A

❗️Start Journey n. 5❗️

Initial robot state:
{ Position = Position (0, 3)
  Direction = West }

[TurnLeft; TurnLeft; MoveForward; MoveForward; MoveForward; TurnLeft;
 MoveForward; TurnLeft; MoveForward; TurnLeft]

Expected final robot state:
{ Position = Position (2, 9)
  Direction = East }

Actual final robot state:
{ Position = Position (2, 4)
  Direction = South }

Test result: FAIL ❌

Final notes

Suggestions on how to improve the code are more than welcome! 😊
I'm not by any means an F# expert so feel free to contact me or open PRs if you notice something that could have been done better!


💡A small but fun coding challenge







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