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You'll need to have node > 8 installed. Then, install Lerna with the following command
npm i -g lerna
Run lerna init to start. This has already been done in this project
lerna init
Additionally, this repository has the following package structure:
These packages were initialized using the npm command in the following section
Run a slightly modified npm command, in the packages/PACKAGE_NAME_HERE, for example in this project we have packages/backend
npm init --scope=fuse-starter-typescript -y
This will generate a package with the name @fuse-starter-typescript/backend
To run Lerna bootstrap, which will look at your packages' dependencies and attempt to centralize them in the root node_modules run:
lerna bootstrap --hoist --no-ci
This is especially useful after npm installing a module manually in one of your package's directories.
To install a npm dependency globally run
To install a npm dependency in only one package run
lerna add YOUR_DEPENDENCY_HERE --scope=@fuse-starter-typescript/backend
To link one of your packages to another run
lerna add @fuse-starter-typescript/shared --scope=@fuse-starter-typescript/backend
- Run the Bootstrap command from above
Husky is a module that runs git hooks as defined in the root package.json. It runs the linter and tests.