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Operators in the GAML language are used to compose complex expressions. An operator performs a function on one, two, or n operands (which are other expressions and thus may be themselves composed of operators) and returns the result of this function.
Most of them use a classical prefixed functional syntax (i.e. operator_name(operand1, operand2, operand3)
, see below), with the exception of arithmetic (e.g. +
, /
), logical (and
, or
), comparison (e.g. >
, <
), access (.
, [..]
) and pair (::
) operators, which require an infixed notation (i.e. operand1 operator_symbol operand1
The ternary functional if-else operator, ? :
, uses a special infixed syntax composed with two symbols (e.g. operand1 ? operand2 : operand3
). Two unary operators (-
and !
) use a traditional prefixed syntax that does not require parentheses unless the operand is itself a complex expression (e.g. - 10
, ! (operand1 or operand2)
Finally, special constructor operators ({...}
for constructing points, [...]
for constructing lists and maps) will require their operands to be placed between their two symbols (e.g. {1,2,3}
, [operand1, operand2, ..., operandn]
or [key1::value1, key2::value2... keyn::valuen]
With the exception of these special cases above, the following rules apply to the syntax of operators:
- if they only have one operand, the functional prefixed syntax is mandatory (e.g.
) - if they have two arguments, either the functional prefixed syntax (e.g.
operator_name(operand1, operand2)
) or the infixed syntax (e.g.operand1 operator_name operand2
) can be used. - if they have more than two arguments, either the functional prefixed syntax (e.g.
operator_name(operand1, operand2, ..., operand)
) or a special infixed syntax with the first operand on the left-hand side of the operator name (e.g.operand1 operator_name(operand2, ..., operand)
) can be used.
All of these alternative syntaxes are completely equivalent.
Operators in GAML are purely functional, i.e. they are guaranteed to not have any side effects on their operands. For instance, the shuffle
operator, which randomizes the positions of elements in a list, does not modify its list operand but returns a new shuffled list.
The priority of operators determines, in the case of complex expressions composed of several operators, which one(s) will be evaluated first.
GAML follows in general the traditional priorities attributed to arithmetic, boolean, comparison operators, with some twists. Namely:
- the constructor operators, like
, used to compose pairs of operands, have the lowest priority of all operators (e.g.a > b :: b > c
will return a pair of boolean values, which means that the two comparisons are evaluated before the operator applies. Similarly,[a > 10, b > 5]
will return a list of boolean values. - it is followed by the
operator, the functional if-else (e.g.a > b ? a + 10 : a - 10
will return the result of the if-else). - next are the logical operators,
(e.g.a > b or b > c
will return the value of the test) - next are the comparison operators (i.e.
) - next the arithmetic operators in their logical order (multiplicative operators have a higher priority than additive operators)
- next the unary operators
- next the access operators
(e.g.{1,2,3}.x > 20 + {4,5,6}.y
will return the result of the comparison between the x and y ordinates of the two points) - and finally the functional operators, which have the highest priority of all.
Actions defined in species can be used as operators, provided they are called on the correct agent. The syntax is that of normal functional operators, but the agent that will perform the action must be added as the first operand.
For instance, if the following species is defined:
species spec1 {
int min(int x, int y) {
return x > y ? x : y;
Any agent instance of spec1 can use min
as an operator (if the action conflicts with an existing operator, a warning will be emitted). For instance, in the same model, the following line is perfectly acceptable:
global {
init {
create spec1;
spec1 my_agent <- spec1[0];
int the_min <- my_agent min(10,20); // or min(my_agent, 10, 20);
If the action doesn't have any operands, the syntax to use is my_agent the_action()
. Finally, if it does not return a value, it might still be used but is considering as returning a value of type unknown
(e.g. unknown result <- my_agent the_action(op1, op2);
Note that due to the fact that actions are written by modelers, the general functional contract is not respected in that case: actions might perfectly have side effects on their operands (including the agent).
box, cone3D, cube, cylinder, hexagon, pyramid, set_z, sphere, teapot,
-, /, ^, *, +, abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cos_rad, div, even, exp, fact, floor, hypot, is_finite, is_number, ln, log, mod, round, signum, sin, sin_rad, sqrt, tan, tan_rad, tanh, with_precision,
add_values, and, eval_when, get_agent, get_belief_op, get_belief_with_name_op, get_beliefs_op, get_beliefs_with_name_op, get_current_intention_op, get_desire_op, get_desire_with_name_op, get_desires_op, get_desires_with_name_op, get_ideal_op, get_ideal_with_name_op, get_ideals_op, get_ideals_with_name_op, get_intention_op, get_intention_with_name_op, get_intentions_op, get_intentions_with_name_op, get_obligation_op, get_obligation_with_name_op, get_obligations_op, get_obligations_with_name_op, get_plan_name, get_uncertainties_op, get_uncertainties_with_name_op, get_uncertainty_op, get_uncertainty_with_name_op, has_belief_op, has_belief_with_name_op, has_desire_op, has_desire_with_name_op, has_ideal_op, has_ideal_with_name_op, has_intention_op, has_intention_with_name_op, has_obligation_op, has_obligation_with_name_op, has_uncertainty_op, has_uncertainty_with_name_op, new_emotion, new_mental_state, new_predicate, new_social_link, not, or, set_lifetime, set_modality, set_predicate, set_strength, with_about, with_agent, with_agent_cause, with_decay, with_dominance, with_familiarity, with_intensity, with_liking, with_solidarity, with_trust, with_truth, with_values,
as, as_int, as_matrix, deserialize, field_with, font, from_gaml, from_json, is, is_skill, list_with, matrix_with, serialize, species_of, to_gaml, to_geojson, to_json, to_list, with_size, with_style,
-, /, *, +, blend, brewer_colors, brewer_palettes, gradient, grayscale, hsb, mean, median, palette, rgb, rnd_color, scale, sum, to_hsb,
-, ::, +, accumulate, all_match, among, at, cartesian_product, collect, contains, contains_all, contains_any, contains_key, count, empty, every, first, first_with, get, group_by, in, index_by, inter, interleave, internal_integrated_value, last, last_with, length, max, max_of, mean, mean_of, median, min, min_of, mul, none_matches, one_matches, one_of, product_of, range, remove_duplicates, reverse, shuffle, sort_by, split, split_in, split_using, sum, sum_of, union, variance_of, where, with_max_of, with_min_of,
-, !=, +, <, <=, =, >, >=, after, before, between, every, milliseconds_between, minus_days, minus_hours, minus_minutes, minus_months, minus_ms, minus_weeks, minus_years, months_between, plus_days, plus_hours, plus_minutes, plus_months, plus_ms, plus_weeks, plus_years, since, to, until, years_between,
agent_file, copy_file, crs, csv_file, delete_file, dxf_file, evaluate_sub_model, file_exists, flush_all_files, folder, folder_exists, gaml_file, geojson_file, get, gif_file, gml_file, graph6_file, graphdimacs_file, graphdot_file, graphgexf_file, graphgml_file, graphml_file, graphtsplib_file, grid_file, image_file, is_agent, is_csv, is_dxf, is_gaml, is_geojson, is_gif, is_gml, is_graph6, is_graphdimacs, is_graphdot, is_graphgexf, is_graphgml, is_graphml, is_graphtsplib, is_grid, is_image, is_json, is_obj, is_osm, is_pgm, is_property, is_shape, is_simulation, is_svg, is_text, is_threeds, is_xml, json_file, new_folder, obj_file, osm_file, pgm_file, property_file, read, rename_file, shape_file, simulation_file, step_sub_model, svg_file, text_file, threeds_file, unzip, writable, xml_file, zip,
add_edge, add_node, adjacency, agent_from_geometry, all_pairs_shortest_path, alpha_index, as_distance_graph, as_edge_graph, as_intersection_graph, as_path, as_spatial_graph, beta_index, betweenness_centrality, biggest_cliques_of, connected_components_of, connectivity_index, contains_edge, contains_vertex, degree_of, directed, edge, edge_between, edge_betweenness, edges, gamma_index, generate_barabasi_albert, generate_complete_graph, generate_random_graph, generate_watts_strogatz, girvan_newman_clustering, grid_cells_to_graph, in_degree_of, in_edges_of, k_spanning_tree_clustering, label_propagation_clustering, layout_circle, layout_force, layout_force_FR, layout_force_FR_indexed, layout_grid, load_shortest_paths, main_connected_component, max_flow_between, maximal_cliques_of, nb_cycles, neighbors_of, node, nodes, out_degree_of, out_edges_of, path_between, paths_between, predecessors_of, remove_node_from, rewire_n, source_of, spatial_graph, strahler, successors_of, sum, target_of, undirected, use_cache, weight_of, with_k_shortest_path_algorithm, with_shortest_path_algorithm, with_weights,
as_4_grid, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, cell_at, cells_in, cells_overlapping, field, grid_at, neighbors_of, path_between, points_in, values_in,
*, antialiased, blend, blurred, brighter, clipped_with, darker, grayscale, horizontal_flip, image, matrix, rotated_by, send_image_to_websocket, sharpened, snapshot, tinted_with, vertical_flip, with_height, with_size, with_width,
accumulate, all_match, as_map, collect, count, create_map, first_with, frequency_of, group_by, index_by, last_with, max_of, mean_of, min_of, none_matches, one_matches, product_of, sort_by, sum_of, variance_of, where, where, where, with_max_of, with_min_of,
all_indexes_of, copy_between, index_of, last_index_of,
:, !, ?, add_3Dmodel, add_geometry, add_icon, and, or, xor,
fuzzy_kappa, fuzzy_kappa_sim, kappa, kappa_sim, percent_absolute_deviation,
as_map, create_map, index_of, last_index_of,
-, /, ., *, +, append_horizontally, append_vertically, column_at, columns_list, determinant, eigenvalues, flatten, index_of, inverse, last_index_of, row_at, rows_list, shuffle, trace, transpose,
electre_DM, evidence_theory_DM, fuzzy_choquet_DM, promethee_DM, weighted_means_DM,
agent_from_geometry, all_pairs_shortest_path, as_path, load_shortest_paths, max_flow_between, path_between, path_to, paths_between, use_cache,
-, /, *, +, <, <=, >, >=, add_point, angle_between, any_location_in, centroid, closest_points_with, farthest_point_to, grid_at, norm, points_along, points_at, points_on,
binomial, exp_density, exp_rnd, flip, gamma_density, gamma_rnd, gamma_trunc_rnd, gauss, generate_terrain, lognormal_density, lognormal_rnd, lognormal_trunc_rnd, poisson, rnd, rnd_choice, sample, shuffle, skew_gauss, truncated_gauss, weibull_density, weibull_rnd, weibull_trunc_rnd,
arc, box, circle, cone, cone3D, cross, cube, curve, cylinder, ellipse, elliptical_arc, envelope, geometry_collection, hexagon, line, link, plan, polygon, polyhedron, pyramid, rectangle, sphere, square, squircle, teapot, triangle,
-, *, +, add_point, agent_closest_to, agent_farthest_to, agents_at_distance, agents_covering, agents_crossing, agents_inside, agents_overlapping, agents_partially_overlapping, agents_touching, angle_between, any_location_in, arc, around, as_4_grid, as_driving_graph, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, at_distance, at_location, box, centroid, circle, clean, clean_network, closest_points_with, closest_to, cone, cone3D, convex_hull, covering, covers, cross, crosses, crossing, crs, CRS_transform, cube, curve, cylinder, direction_between, disjoint_from, distance_between, distance_to, ellipse, elliptical_arc, envelope, farthest_point_to, farthest_to, geometry_collection, gini, hexagon, hierarchical_clustering, IDW, inside, inter, intersects, inverse_rotation, k_nearest_neighbors, line, link, masked_by, moran, neighbors_at, neighbors_of, normalized_rotation, overlapping, overlaps, partially_overlapping, partially_overlaps, path_between, path_to, plan, points_along, points_at, points_on, polygon, polyhedron, pyramid, rectangle, rotated_by, rotation_composition, round, scaled_to, set_z, simple_clustering_by_distance, simplification, skeletonize, smooth, sphere, split_at, split_geometry, split_lines, square, squircle, teapot, to_GAMA_CRS, to_rectangles, to_segments, to_squares, to_sub_geometries, touches, touching, towards, transformed_by, translated_by, triangle, triangulate, union, using, voronoi, with_precision, without_holes,
covers, crosses, intersects, partially_overlaps, touches,
agent_closest_to, agent_farthest_to, agents_at_distance, agents_covering, agents_crossing, agents_inside, agents_overlapping, agents_partially_overlapping, agents_touching, at_distance, closest_to, covering, crossing, farthest_to, inside, neighbors_at, neighbors_of, overlapping, partially_overlapping, touching,
direction_between, distance_between, distance_to, path_between, path_to, towards,
hierarchical_clustering, k_nearest_neighbors, simple_clustering_by_distance,
-, *, +, as_4_grid, as_grid, as_hexagonal_grid, at_location, clean, clean_network, convex_hull, CRS_transform, inverse_rotation, normalized_rotation, rotated_by, rotation_composition, scaled_to, simplification, skeletonize, smooth, split_geometry, split_lines, to_GAMA_CRS, to_rectangles, to_segments, to_squares, to_sub_geometries, transformed_by, translated_by, triangulate, voronoi, with_precision, without_holes,
index_of, last_index_of, of_generic_species, of_species,
auto_correlation, beta, binomial_coeff, binomial_complemented, binomial_sum, build, chi_square, chi_square_complemented, correlation, covariance, dbscan, distribution_of, distribution2d_of, dtw, durbin_watson, frequency_of, gamma, gamma_distribution, gamma_distribution_complemented, geometric_mean, gini, harmonic_mean, hierarchical_clustering, incomplete_beta, incomplete_gamma, incomplete_gamma_complement, k_nearest_neighbors, kmeans, kurtosis, log_gamma, max, mean, mean_deviation, median, min, moment, moran, morrisAnalysis, mul, normal_area, normal_density, normal_inverse, predict, pValue_for_fStat, pValue_for_tStat, quantile, quantile_inverse, rank_interpolated, residuals, rms, rSquare, simple_clustering_by_distance, skewness, sobolAnalysis, split, split_in, split_using, standard_deviation, student_area, student_t_inverse, sum, t_test, variance,
+, <, <=, >, >=, at, capitalize, char, compress, concatenate, contains, contains_all, contains_any, copy_between, date, empty, first, in, indented_by, index_of, is_number, last, last_index_of, length, lower_case, regex_matches, replace, replace_regex, reverse, sample, shuffle, split_with, string, uncompress, upper_case,
., choose, command, copy, copy_from_clipboard, copy_to_clipboard, copy_to_clipboard, dead, enter, every, from_gaml, is_error, is_reachable, is_warning, play_sound, user_confirm, user_input_dialog, wizard, wizard_page,
action, agent, BDIPlan, bool, container, conversation, directory, emotion, file, float, gaml_type, geometry, graph, int, kml, list, map, matrix, mental_state, message, Norm, pair, path, point, predicate, regression, rgb, Sanction, skill, social_link, species, topology, unknown,
choose, enter, user_confirm, user_input_dialog, wizard, wizard_page,
(any expression
) --->string
any expression
,any expression
) --->string
) --->list
) --->list
takes a sample of the specified size from the elements of x using either with or without replacement takes a sample of the specified size from the elements of x using either with or without replacement with given weights
list var0 <- sample([2,10,1],2,false); // var0 equals [10,1]
list var1 <- sample([2,10,1],2,false,[0.1,0.7,0.2]); // var1 equals [10,2]
) --->Sanction
casts the operand in a Sanction object.
) --->map<float,rgb>
) --->map<float,rgb>
Similar to gradient(map<rgb, float>) but reorders the colors based on their weight and does not normalize them, so as to effectively represent a color scale (i.e. a correspondance between a range of value and a color that implicitly begins with the lowest value). For instance scale([#red::10, #green::0, #blue::30]) would produce the reverse map and associate #green to the interval 0-10, #red to 10-30, and #blue above 30. The main difference in usages is that, for instance in the definition of a mesh to display, a gradient will produce interpolated colors to accomodate for the intermediary values, while a scale will stick to the colors defined. Expects a gradient, i.e. a map<rgb,float>, where values represent the different stops of the colors. First normalizes the passed gradient, and then applies the resulting weights to the interval represented by min and max, so as to return a scale (i.e. absolute values instead of the stops)
See also: gradient,
Same signification as *
) --->geometry
allows to restrict the size of a geometry so that it fits in the envelope {width, height, depth} defined by the second operand
geometry var0 <- shape scaled_to {10,10}; // var0 equals a geometry corresponding to the geometry of the agent applying the operator scaled so that it fits a square of 10x10
Same signification as where
) --->image
) --->image
Send the given image to the websocket in Base64 using the given format. Send the given image to the websocket using Base64 assuming the format is png.
) --->string
Serializes any object/agent/simulation into a string, using the binary
The result of this operator can be then used in the from
facet of restore
or create
statements in case of agents, or using deserialize
for other items
) --->mental_state
change the lifetime value of the given mental state
mental state set_lifetime 1
) --->mental_state
change the modality value of the given mental state
mental state set_modality belief
) --->mental_state
change the predicate value of the given mental state
mental state set_predicate pred1
) --->mental_state
change the strength value of the given mental state
mental state set_strength 1.0
) --->geometry
) --->geometry
Sets the z ordinate of the n-th point of a geometry to the value provided by the third argument
triangle(3) set_z [5,10,14]
set_z (triangle(3), 1, 3.0)
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
) --->file
Constructs a file of type shape. Allowed extensions are limited to shp, SHP
- shape_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file
file f <- shape_file("file.shp");
- shape_file(string,int): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file and specifying the coordinates system code, as an int (epsg code)
file f <- shape_file("file.shp", "32648");
- shape_file(string,string): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file and specifying the coordinates system code (epg,...,), as a string
file f <- shape_file("file.shp", "EPSG:32648");
- shape_file(string,bool): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file and take a potential z value (not taken in account by default)
file f <- shape_file("file.shp", true);
- shape_file(string,int,bool): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file and specifying the coordinates system code, as an int (epsg code) and take a potential z value (not taken in account by default)
file f <- shape_file("file.shp", "32648", true);
- shape_file(string,string,bool): This file constructor allows to read a shapefile (.shp) file and specifying the coordinates system code (epg,...,), as a string and take a potential z value (not taken in account by default)
file f <- shape_file("file.shp", "EPSG:32648",true);
See also: is_shape,
) --->image
) --->image
Application of a sharpening filter to the image passed in parameter. This operation can be applied multiple times. The original image is left untouched Application of a sharpening filter to the image passed in parameter. This operation is applied multiple times if the last argument is > 0. The original image is left untouched
) --->list
) --->string
) --->matrix
Returns a new list containing the randomly shuffled elements of the container. Returns a new string with randomly shuffled letters Returns a new matrix of the same size as the operand, with randomly shuffled elements
- if the operand is empty, returns an empty list (or string, matrix)
list var0 <- shuffle ([12, 13, 14]); // var0 equals [14,12,13] (for example)
string var1 <- shuffle ('abc'); // var1 equals 'bac' (for example)
matrix var2 <- shuffle (matrix([["c11","c12","c13"],["c21","c22","c23"]])); // var2 equals matrix([["c12","c21","c11"],["c13","c22","c23"]]) (for example)
See also: reverse,
) --->int
) --->int
Returns -1 if the argument is negative, +1 if it is positive, 0 if it is equal to zero or not a number Returns -1 if the argument is negative, +1 if it is positive, 0 if it is equal to zero or not a number
int var0 <- signum(-12.8); // var0 equals -1
int var1 <- signum(14.5); // var1 equals 1
int var2 <- signum(0.0); // var2 equals 0
int var3 <- signum(-12); // var3 equals -1
int var4 <- signum(14); // var4 equals 1
int var5 <- signum(0); // var5 equals 0
) --->list<list<agent>>
A list of agent groups clustered by distance considering a distance min between two groups.
list<list<agent>> var0 <- [ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4, ag5] simpleClusteringByDistance 20.0; // var0 equals for example, can return [[ag1, ag3], [ag2], [ag4, ag5]]
See also: hierarchical_clustering,
Same signification as simple_clustering_by_distance
) --->geometry
A geometry corresponding to the simplification of the operand (geometry, agent, point) considering a tolerance distance.
The algorithm used for the simplification is Douglas-Peucker
geometry var0 <- self simplification 0.1; // var0 equals the geometry resulting from the application of the Douglas-Peuker algorithm on the geometry of the agent applying the operator with a tolerance distance of 0.1.
) --->file
Constructs a file of type simulation. Allowed extensions are limited to gsim, simulation
- simulation_file(string): File containing a saved simulation in the java binary serialisation protocol
See also: is_simulation,
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the value (in [-1,1]) of the sinus of the operand (in decimal degrees). The argument is casted to an int before being evaluated.
- Operand values out of the range [0-359] are normalized.
float var0 <- sin (0); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- sin(360) with_precision 10 with_precision 10; // var1 equals 0.0
See also: cos, tan, cos_rad, asin,
) --->float
Returns the value (in [-1,1]) of the sinus of the operand (in radians).
float var0 <- sin_rad(0); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- sin_rad(#pi/2); // var1 equals 1.0
) --->bool
any expression
(any expression
) --->bool
Returns true if the current_date of the model is after (or equal to) the date passed in argument. Synonym of 'current_date >= argument'. Can be used, like 'after', in its composed form with 2 arguments to express the lowest boundary of the computation of a frequency. However, contrary to 'after', there is a subtle difference: the lowest boundary will be tested against the frequency as well
reflex when: since(starting_date) {} // this reflex will always be run
every(2#days) since (starting_date + 1#day) // the computation will return true 1 day after the starting date and every two days after this reference date
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries (polylines) corresponding to the skeleton of the operand geometry (geometry, agent)
- It can be used with 1 additional float operand: the tolerance for the clipping.
- It can be used with 3 additional float operands: the tolerance for the clipping, the tolerance for the triangulation, and the approximation for the clipping.
- It can be used with 2 additional float operands: the tolerances for the clipping and for the triangulation
list<geometry> var0 <- skeletonize(self); // var0 equals the list of geometries corresponding to the skeleton of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
Same signification as skewness
) --->float
A value from a skew normally distributed random variable with min value (the minimum skewed value possible), max value (the maximum skewed value possible), skew (the degree to which the values cluster around the mode of the distribution; higher values mean tighter clustering) and bias (the tendency of the mode to approach the min, max or midpoint value; positive values bias toward max, negative values toward min).The algorithm was taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5853187/skewing-java-random-number-generation-toward-a-certain-number
float var0 <- skew_gauss(0.0, 1.0, 0.7,0.1); // var0 equals 0.1729218460343077
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, lognormal_rnd, poisson, rnd, truncated_gauss, weibull_rnd, gauss,
) --->float
returns skewness value computed from the operand list of values
- if the length of the list is lower than 3, returns NaN
float var0 <- skewness ([1,2,3,4,5]); // var0 equals 0.0
) --->skill
casts the operand in a skill object.
) --->geometry
Returns a 'smoothed' geometry, where straight lines are replaces by polynomial (bicubic) curves. The first parameter is the original geometry, the second is the 'fit' parameter which can be in the range 0 (loose fit) to 1 (tightest fit).
geometry var0 <- smooth(square(10), 0.0); // var0 equals a 'rounded' square
) --->image
) --->image
) --->image
Takes a snapshot of the display whose name is passed in parameter and returns the image. The search for the display begins in the agent passed in parameter and, if not found, its experiment. The size of the snapshot will be that of the viewReturns nil if no display can be found or the snapshot cannot be taken. Takes a snapshot of the display whose name is passed in parameter and returns the image. The search for the display begins in the current agent's simulation and, if not found, its experiment. Returns nil if no display can be found or the snapshot cannot be taken. Takes a snapshot of the display whose name is passed in parameter and returns the image. The search for the display begins in the agent passed in parameter and, if not found, its experiment. A custom size (a point representing width x height) can be given Returns nil if no display can be found or the snapshot cannot be taken.
) --->string
Return a string containing the Report of the sobol analysis for the corresponding .csv file and save this report in a txt/csv file.
) --->social_link
casts the operand in a social_link object.
Same signification as without_holes
Same signification as sort_by
any expression
,any expression
) --->list
Returns a list, containing the elements of the left-hand operand sorted in ascending order by the value of the right-hand operand when it is evaluated on them.
the left-hand operand is casted to a list before applying the operator. In the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil, sort_by throws an error. If the sorting function returns values that cannot be compared, an error will be thrown as well
list var0 <- [1,2,4,3,5,7,6,8] sort_by (each); // var0 equals [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
list var2 <- g2 sort_by (length(g2 out_edges_of each) ); // var2 equals [node9, node7, node10, node8, node11, node6, node5, node4]
list var3 <- (list(node) sort_by (round(node(each).location.x)); // var3 equals [node5, node1, node0, node2, node3]
list var4 <- [1::2, 5::6, 3::4] sort_by (each); // var4 equals [2, 4, 6]
See also: group_by,
) --->unknown
returns the source of the edge (right-hand operand) contained in the graph given in left-hand operand.
- if the lef-hand operand (the graph) is nil, throws an Exception
graph graphEpidemio <- generate_barabasi_albert( ["edges_species"::edge,"vertices_specy"::node,"size"::3,"m"::5] );
unknown var1 <- graphEpidemio source_of(edge(3)); // var1 equals node1
graph graphFromMap <- as_edge_graph([{1,5}::{12,45},{12,45}::{34,56}]);
point var3 <- graphFromMap source_of(link({1,5},{12,45})); // var3 equals {1,5}
See also: target_of,
) --->graph
allows to create a spatial graph from a container of vertices, without trying to wire them. The container can be empty. Emits an error if the contents of the container are not geometries, points or agents
See also: graph,
) --->species
casts the operand in a species object.
- if the operand is nil, returns nil;
- if the operand is an agent, returns its species;
- if the operand is a string, returns the species with this name (nil if not found);
- otherwise, returns nil
species var0 <- species(self); // var0 equals the species of the current agent
species var1 <- species('node'); // var1 equals node
species var2 <- species([1,5,9,3]); // var2 equals nil
species var3 <- species(node1); // var3 equals node
) --->species
casting of the operand to a species.
- if the operand is nil, returns nil;
- if the operand is an agent, returns its species;
- if the operand is a string, returns the species with this name (nil if not found);
- otherwise, returns nil
species var0 <- species(self); // var0 equals the species of the current agent
species var1 <- species('node'); // var1 equals node
species var2 <- species([1,5,9,3]); // var2 equals nil
species var3 <- species(node1); // var3 equals node
) --->geometry
A sphere geometry which radius is equal to the operand.
the centre of the sphere is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.
- returns a point if the operand is lower or equal to 0.
geometry var0 <- sphere(10); // var0 equals a geometry as a circle of radius 10 but displays a sphere.
See also: around, cone, line, link, norm, point, polygon, polyline, rectangle, square, triangle, box,
) --->list<list<unknown>>
Splits a list of numbers into n=(1+3.3*log10(elements)) bins. The splitting is strict (i.e. elements are in the ith bin if they are strictly smaller than the ith bound)
list<list<unknown>> var0 <- split([1.0,2.0,1.0,3.0,1.0,2.0]); // var0 equals [[1.0,1.0,1.0],[2.0,2.0],[3.0]]
See also: split_in, split_using,
) --->list<geometry>
The two part of the left-operand lines split at the given right-operand point
- if the left-operand is a point or a polygon, returns an empty list
list<geometry> var0 <- polyline([{1,2},{4,6}]) split_at {7,6}; // var0 equals [polyline([{1.0,2.0},{7.0,6.0}]), polyline([{7.0,6.0},{4.0,6.0}])]
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries that result from the decomposition of the geometry by square cells of the given side size (geometry, size). It can be used to split in rectangles by giving a point or 2 integer values as operand.
list<geometry> var0 <- to_rectangles(self, 10,20); // var0 equals the list of the geometries corresponding to the decomposition of the geometry of the agent applying the operator
list<geometry> var1 <- to_rectangles(self, {10.0, 15.0}); // var1 equals the list of the geometries corresponding to the decomposition of the geometry by rectangles of size 10.0, 15.0
list<geometry> var2 <- to_squares(self, 10.0); // var2 equals the list of the geometries corresponding to the decomposition of the geometry by squares of side size 10.0
) --->list<list<unknown>>
) --->list<list<unknown>>
Splits a list of numbers into n bins defined by n-1 bounds between the minimum and maximum values found in the first argument. The boolean argument controls whether or not the splitting is strict (if true, elements are in the ith bin if they are strictly smaller than the ith bound) Splits a list of numbers into n bins defined by n-1 bounds between the minimum and maximum values found in the first argument. The splitting is strict (i.e. elements are in the ith bin if they are strictly smaller than the ith bound)
list<float> l <- [1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0];
list<list<unknown>> var1 <- split_in(l,3, true); // var1 equals [[1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0],[19.9],[35.9,40.0]]
list<float> li <- [1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0];
list<list<unknown>> var3 <- split_in(li,3); // var3 equals [[1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0],[19.9],[35.9,40.0]]
See also: split, split_using,
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries resulting after cutting the lines at their intersections. if the last boolean operand is set to true, the split lines will import the attributes of the initial lines A list of geometries resulting after cutting the lines at their intersections.
list<geometry> var0 <- split_lines([line([{0,10}, {20,10}]), line([{0,10}, {20,10}])]); // var0 equals a list of four polylines: line([{0,10}, {10,10}]), line([{10,10}, {20,10}]), line([{10,0}, {10,10}]) and line([{10,10}, {10,20}])
list<geometry> var1 <- split_lines([line([{0,10}, {20,10}]), line([{0,10}, {20,10}])]); // var1 equals a list of four polylines: line([{0,10}, {10,10}]), line([{10,10}, {20,10}]), line([{10,0}, {10,10}]) and line([{10,10}, {10,20}])
) --->list<list<unknown>>
) --->list<list<unknown>>
Splits a list of numbers into n+1 bins using a set of n bounds passed as the second argument. The splitting is strict (i.e. elements are in the ith bin if they are strictly smaller than the ith bound), when no boolean attribute is specified.
list<float> li <- [1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0];
list<list<unknown>> var1 <- split_using(li,[1.0,3.0,4.2]); // var1 equals [[],[1.0],[3.1],[5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0]]
list<float> l <- [1.0,3.1,5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0];
list<list<unknown>> var3 <- split_using(l,[1.0,3.0,4.2], true); // var3 equals [[],[1.0],[3.1],[5.2,6.0,9.2,11.1,12.0,13.0,19.9,35.9,40.0]]
) --->list
) --->list
Returns a list containing the sub-strings (tokens) of the left-hand operand delimited by each of the characters of the right-hand operand.
Delimiters themselves are excluded from the resulting list.
- when used with an additional boolean operand, it returns a list containing the sub-strings (tokens) of the left-hand operand delimited either by each of the characters of the right-hand operand (false) or by the whole right-hand operand (true).
list var0 <- 'aa::bb:cc' split_with ('::', true); // var0 equals ['aa','bb:cc']
list var1 <- 'aa::bb:cc' split_with ('::', false); // var1 equals ['aa','bb','cc']
list var2 <- 'to be or not to be,that is the question' split_with ' ,'; // var2 equals ['to','be','or','not','to','be','that','is','the','question']
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the square root of the operand.
- if the operand is negative, an exception is raised
float var0 <- sqrt(4); // var0 equals 2.0
float var1 <- sqrt(4); // var1 equals 2.0
) --->geometry
A square geometry which side size is equal to the operand.
the centre of the square is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.
- returns nil if the operand is nil.
geometry var0 <- square(10); // var0 equals a geometry as a square of side size 10.
float var1 <- var0.area; // var1 equals 100.0
See also: around, circle, cone, line, link, norm, point, polygon, polyline, rectangle, triangle, polyhedron, teapot, cone3D, geometry_collection, squircle, ellipse, arc, pyramid, cylinder, box, cross, elliptical_arc, plan, sphere, curve,
) --->geometry
A mix of square and circle geometry (see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squircle), which side size is equal to the first operand and power is equal to the second operand
the center of the ellipse is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.
- returns a point if the side operand is lower or equal to 0.
geometry var0 <- squircle(4,4); // var0 equals a geometry as a squircle of side 4 with a power of 4.
See also: around, cone, line, link, norm, point, polygon, polyline, super_ellipse, rectangle, square, circle, ellipse, triangle,
) --->unknown<string>
) --->unknown<string>
Creates a stack layout node. Accepts the same argument as horizontal
or vertical
(a map of display indices and weights) but the weights are not taken into account
Creates a stack layout node. Stacks can only contain one or several indices of displays (without weight)
) --->float
the standard deviation on the elements of the operand. See Standard_deviation for more details.
The operator casts all the numerical element of the list into float. The elements that are not numerical are discarded.
float var0 <- standard_deviation ([4.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.0]); // var0 equals 1.2930100540985752
See also: mean, mean_deviation,
) --->int
Load a submodel
loaded submodel
) --->map
retur for each edge, its strahler number
) --->string
) --->string
converts a date to astring following a custom pattern. The pattern can use "%Y %M %N %D %E %h %m %s %z" for outputting years, months, name of month, days, name of days, hours, minutes, seconds and the time-zone. A null or empty pattern will return the complete date as defined by the ISO date & time format. The pattern can also follow the pattern definition found here, which gives much more control over the format of the date: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#patterns. Different patterns are available by default as constants: #iso_local, #iso_simple, #iso_offset, #iso_zoned and #custom, which can be changed in the preferences
string(#now, 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'en')
string(#now, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
) --->float
Returns the area to the left of x in the Student T distribution with the given degrees of freedom.
float var0 <- student_area(1.64,3) with_precision(2); // var0 equals 0.9
) --->float
Returns the value, t, for which the area under the Student-t probability density function (integrated from minus infinity to t) is equal to x.
float var0 <- student_t_inverse(0.9,3) with_precision(2); // var0 equals 1.64
Same signification as minus_days
Same signification as minus_hours
Same signification as minus_minutes
Same signification as minus_months
Same signification as minus_ms
Same signification as -
Same signification as minus_weeks
Same signification as minus_years
) --->list
returns the list of successors (i.e. targets of out edges) of the given vertex (right-hand operand) in the given graph (left-hand operand)
list var1 <- graphEpidemio successors_of ({1,5}); // var1 equals [{12,45}]
list var2 <- graphEpidemio successors_of node({34,56}); // var2 equals []
See also: predecessors_of, neighbors_of,
) --->unknown
) --->float
the sum of all the elements of the operand
the behavior depends on the nature of the operand
- if it is a population or a list of other types: sum transforms all elements into float and sums them
- if it is a map, sum returns the sum of the value of all elements
- if it is a file, sum returns the sum of the content of the file (that is also a container)
- if it is a graph, sum returns the total weight of the graph
- if it is a matrix of int, float or object, sum returns the sum of all the numerical elements (i.e. all elements for integer and float matrices)
- if it is a matrix of other types: sum transforms all elements into float and sums them
- if it is a list of colors: sum will sum them and return the blended resulting color
- if it is a list of int or float: sum returns the sum of all the elements
int var0 <- sum ([12,10,3]); // var0 equals 25
- if it is a list of points: sum returns the sum of all points as a point (each coordinate is the sum of the corresponding coordinate of each element)
unknown var1 <- sum([{1.0,3.0},{3.0,5.0},{9.0,1.0},{7.0,8.0}]); // var1 equals {20.0,17.0}
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the sum of the right-hand expression evaluated on each of the elements of the left-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
unknown var1 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] sum_of (each + 3); // var1 equals 21
unknown var0 <- [1,2] sum_of (each * 100 ); // var0 equals 300
See also: min_of, max_of, product_of, mean_of,
) --->file
Constructs a file of type svg. Allowed extensions are limited to svg
- svg_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a svg file
file f <-svg_file("file.svg");
See also: is_svg,
) --->float
Returns the observed significance level, or p-value, associated with a two-sample, two-tailed t-test comparing the means of the two input lists.The number returned is the smallest significance level at which one can reject the null hypothesis
float var0 <- t_test([10.0,5.0,1.0, 3.0],[1.0,10.0,5.0,1.0]); // var0 equals 0.01
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the value (in [-1,1]) of the trigonometric tangent of the operand (in decimal degrees).
- Operand values out of the range [0-359] are normalized. Notice that tan(360) does not return 0.0 but -2.4492935982947064E-16
- The tangent is only defined for any real number except 90 + k
180 (k an positive or negative integer). Nevertheless notice that tan(90) returns 1.633123935319537E16 (whereas we could except infinity).
float var0 <- tan (0); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- tan(90); // var1 equals 1.633123935319537E16
See also: cos, sin, cos_rad, atan,
) --->float
Returns the value (in [-1,1]) of the trigonometric tangent of the operand (in radians).
float var0 <- tan_rad(0); // var0 equals 0.0
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the value (in the interval [-1,1]) of the hyperbolic tangent of the operand (which can be any real number, expressed in decimal degrees).
float var0 <- tanh(0); // var0 equals 0.0
float var1 <- tanh(100); // var1 equals 1.0
) --->unknown
returns the target of the edge (right-hand operand) contained in the graph given in left-hand operand.
- if the lef-hand operand (the graph) is nil, returns nil
graph graphEpidemio <- generate_barabasi_albert( ["edges_species"::edge,"vertices_specy"::node,"size"::3,"m"::5] );
unknown var1 <- graphEpidemio source_of(edge(3)); // var1 equals node1
graph graphFromMap <- as_edge_graph([{1,5}::{12,45},{12,45}::{34,56}]);
unknown var3 <- graphFromMap target_of(link({1,5},{12,45})); // var3 equals {12,45}
See also: source_of,
) --->geometry
A teapot geometry which radius is equal to the operand.
the centre of the teapot is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.
- returns a point if the operand is lower or equal to 0.
geometry var0 <- teapot(10); // var0 equals a geometry as a circle of radius 10 but displays a teapot.
See also: around, cone, line, link, norm, point, polygon, polyline, rectangle, square, triangle,
) --->file
) --->file
Constructs a file of type text. Allowed extensions are limited to txt, data, text
- text_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a text file (.txt, .data, .text)
file f <-text_file("file.txt");
- text_file(string,list): This file constructor allows to store a list of string in a text file (it does not save it - just store it in memory)
file f <-text_file("file.txt", ["item1","item2","item3"]);
See also: is_text,
Same signification as truncated_gauss
) --->file
Constructs a file of type threeds. Allowed extensions are limited to 3ds, max
- threeds_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a 3DS Max file. Only loads vertices and faces
threeds_file f <- threeds_file("file");
See also: is_threeds,
) --->image
) --->image
Returns the image tinted using the color passed in parameter. This effectively multiplies the colors of the image by it. The original image is left untouched Returns the image tinted using the color passed in parameter and a factor between 0 and 1, determining the transparency of the dyeing to apply. The original image is left untouched
Same signification as until
) --->list<date>
builds an interval between two dates (the first inclusive and the second exclusive, which behaves like a read-only list of dates. The default step between two dates is the step of the model
The default step can be overruled by using the every operator applied to this interval
date('2000-01-01') to date('2010-01-01') // builds an interval between these two dates
(date('2000-01-01') to date('2010-01-01')) every (#day) // builds an interval between these two dates which contains all the days starting from the beginning of the interval. Beware that using every with #month or #year will produce odd results, as these pseudo-constants are not constant; only the first value will be used to compute the intervals (if current_date is set to a month of February, #month will only represent 28 or 29 days depending on whether it is a leap year or not !). If such intervals need to be built, it is recommended to usea generative way, for instance a loop using the 'plus_years' or 'plus_months' operators to build a list of dates
See also: every,
Same signification as serialize
) --->geometry
) --->geometry
- returns the geometry corresponding to the transformation of the given geometry to the GAMA CRS (Coordinate Reference System) assuming the given geometry is referenced by given CRS
geometry var0 <- to_GAMA_CRS({121,14}, "EPSG:4326"); // var0 equals a geometry corresponding to the agent geometry transformed into the GAMA CRS
- returns the geometry corresponding to the transformation of the given geometry to the GAMA CRS (Coordinate Reference System) assuming the given geometry is referenced by the current CRS, the one corresponding to the world's agent one
geometry var1 <- to_GAMA_CRS({121,14}); // var1 equals a geometry corresponding to the agent geometry transformed into the GAMA CRS
) --->string
Returns the literal description of an expression in gaml, in a format suitable to be reinterpreted and return a similar object
string var0 <- to_gaml(0); // var0 equals '0'
string var1 <- to_gaml(3.78); // var1 equals '3.78'
string var2 <- to_gaml({23, 4.0}); // var2 equals '{23.0,4.0,0.0}'
string var3 <- to_gaml(rgb(255,0,125)); // var3 equals 'rgb (255, 0, 125,255)'
string var4 <- to_gaml('hello'); // var4 equals "'hello'"
string var5 <- to_gaml(a_graph); // var5 equals ([((1 as node)::(3 as node))::(5 as edge),((0 as node)::(3 as node))::(3 as edge),((1 as node)::(2 as node))::(1 as edge),((0 as node)::(2 as node))::(2 as edge),((0 as node)::(1 as node))::(0 as edge),((2 as node)::(3 as node))::(4 as edge)] as map ) as graph
string var6 <- to_gaml(node1); // var6 equals 1 as node
(any expression
,any expression
) --->string
Returns a geojson representation of a population, a list of agents/geometries or an agent/geometry, provided with a CRS and a list of attributes to save
string var0 <- to_geojson(boat,"EPSG:4326",["color"]); // var0 equals {"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[100.51155642068785,3.514781609095577E-4,0.0]},"properties":{},"id":"0"}]}
) --->list<float>
Converts a Gama color to hsb (h=hue, s=saturation, b=brightness) value
list<float> var0 <- to_hsb (#cyan); // var0 equals [0.5,1.0,1.0]
) --->string
) --->string
Serializes any object/agent/simulation into a string, using the json format and no pretty printing.
The format used by GAMA follows simple rules. int
, float
, bool
, string
values are outputted as they are. nil
is outputted as null
. A list
is outputted as a json array. Any other object or agent is outputted as a json object. If this object possesses the "gaml_type" attribute, it is an instance of the corresponding type, and the members that follow contain the attributes and the values necessary to reconstruct it. If it has the "agent_reference" attribute, its value represent the reference to an agent. If any reference to an agent is found, the json string returned will be an object with two attributes: "gama_object", the object containing the references, and "reference_table" a dictionary mapping the references to the json description of the agents (their species, name, index, and list of attributes). This choice allows to manage cross references between agents
Serializes any object/agent/simulation into a string, using the json format. A flag can be passed to enable/disable pretty printing (false
by default).
The format used by GAMA follows simple rules. int
, float
, bool
, string
values are outputted as they are. nil
is outputted as null
. A list is outputted as a json array. Any other object or agent is outputted as a json object. If this object possesses the attribute gaml_type
, it is an instance of the corresponding type, and the members that follow contain the attributes and the values necessary to reconstruct it. If it has the agent_reference
attribute, its value represents the reference to an agent. If any reference to an agent is found, the json string returned will be an object with two attributes: gama_object
, the object containing the references, and reference_table
a dictionary mapping the references to the json description of the agents (their species
, name
, index
, and list of attributes). This choice allows to manage cross references between agents
) --->list
casts the operand to a list, making an explicit copy if it is already a list or a subtype of list (interval, population, etc.)
See also: list,
Same signification as split_geometry
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of rectangles of the size corresponding to the given dimension that result from the decomposition of the geometry into rectangles (geometry, dimension, overlaps), if overlaps = true, add the rectangles that overlap the border of the geometry
list<geometry> var0 <- to_rectangles(self, {10.0, 15.0}, true); // var0 equals the list of rectangles of size {10.0, 15.0} corresponding to the discretization into rectangles of the geometry of the agent applying the operator. The rectangles overlapping the border of the geometry are kept
list<geometry> var1 <- to_rectangles(self, 5, 20, true); // var1 equals the list of rectangles corresponding to the discretization by a grid of 5 columns and 20 rows into rectangles of the geometry of the agent applying the operator. The rectangles overlapping the border of the geometry are kept
) --->list<geometry>
A list of a segments resulting from the decomposition of the geometry (or its contours for polygons) into sgements
list<geometry> var0 <- to_segments(line([{10,10},{80,10},{80,80}])); // var0 equals [line([{10,10},{80,10}]), line([{80,10},{80,80}])]
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of a given number of squares from the decomposition of the geometry into squares (geometry, nb_square, overlaps, precision_coefficient), if overlaps = true, add the squares that overlap the border of the geometry, coefficient_precision should be close to 1.0 A list of a given number of squares from the decomposition of the geometry into squares (geometry, nb_square, overlaps), if overlaps = true, add the squares that overlap the border of the geometry A list of squares of the size corresponding to the given size that result from the decomposition of the geometry into squares (geometry, size, overlaps), if overlaps = true, add the squares that overlap the border of the geometry
list<geometry> var0 <- to_squares(self, 10, true, 0.99); // var0 equals the list of 10 squares corresponding to the discretization into squares of the geometry of the agent applying the operator. The squares overlapping the border of the geometry are kept
list<geometry> var1 <- to_squares(self, 10, true); // var1 equals the list of 10 squares corresponding to the discretization into squares of the geometry of the agent applying the operator. The squares overlapping the border of the geometry are kept
list<geometry> var2 <- to_squares(self, 10.0, true); // var2 equals the list of squares of side size 10.0 corresponding to the discretization into squares of the geometry of the agent applying the operator. The squares overlapping the border of the geometry are kept
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries resulting after spliting the geometry into sub-geometries.
list<geometry> var0 <- to_sub_geometries(rectangle(10, 50), [0.1, 0.5, 0.4]); // var0 equals a list of three geometries corresponding to 3 sub-geometries
list<geometry> var1 <- to_sub_geometries(rectangle(10, 50), [0.1, 0.5, 0.4], 1.0); // var1 equals a list of three geometries corresponding to 3 sub-geometries using cubes of 1m size
Same signification as triangulate
Same signification as split_with
) --->topology
casts the operand in a topology object.
- if the operand is a topology, returns the topology itself;
- if the operand is a spatial graph, returns the graph topology associated;
- if the operand is a population, returns the topology of the population;
- if the operand is a shape or a geometry, returns the continuous topology bounded by the geometry;
- if the operand is a matrix, returns the grid topology associated
- if the operand is another kind of container, returns the multiple topology associated to the container
- otherwise, casts the operand to a geometry and build a topology from it.
topology var0 <- topology(0); // var0 equals nil
topology(a_graph) --: Multiple topology in POLYGON ((24.712119771887785 7.867357373616512, 24.712119771887785 61.283226839310565, 82.4013676510046 7.867357373616512)) at location[53.556743711446195;34.57529210646354]
See also: geometry,
) --->bool
A boolean, equal to true if the left-geometry (or agent/point) touches the right-geometry (or agent/point).
returns true when the left-operand only touches the right-operand. When one geometry covers partially (or fully) the other one, it returns false.
- if one of the operand is null, returns false.
bool var0 <- {15,15} touches {15,15}; // var0 equals false
bool var1 <- polyline([{10,10},{20,20}]) touches {10,10}; // var1 equals true
bool var2 <- polyline([{10,10},{20,20}]) touches polyline([{10,10},{5,5}]); // var2 equals true
bool var3 <- polygon([{10,10},{10,20},{20,20},{20,10}]) touches polygon([{15,15},{15,25},{25,25},{25,15}]); // var3 equals false
bool var4 <- polygon([{10,10},{10,20},{20,20},{20,10}]) touches {10,15}; // var4 equals true
See also: disjoint_from, crosses, overlaps, partially_overlaps, intersects, covers,
) --->list<geometry>
A list of agents or geometries among the left-operand list, species or meta-population (addition of species), touching the operand (casted as a geometry).
list<geometry> var0 <- [ag1, ag2, ag3] toucing(self); // var0 equals the agents among ag1, ag2 and ag3 that touch the shape of the right-hand argument.
list<geometry> var1 <- (species1 + species2) touching (self); // var1 equals the agents among species species1 and species2 that touch the shape of the right-hand argument.
See also: neighbors_at, neighbors_of, closest_to, overlapping, agents_overlapping, inside, agents_inside, agent_closest_to,
) --->float
The direction (in degree) between the two geometries (geometries, agents, points) considering the topology of the agent applying the operator.
float var0 <- ag1 towards ag2; // var0 equals the direction between ag1 and ag2 and ag3 considering the topology of the agent applying the operator
See also: distance_between, distance_to, direction_between, path_between, path_to,
) --->float
The trace of the given matrix (the sum of the elements on the main diagonal).
float var0 <- trace(matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])); // var0 equals 5
) --->geometry
A geometry resulting from the application of a rotation and a scaling (right-operand : point {angle(degree), scale factor} of the left-hand operand (geometry, agent, point)
geometry var0 <- self transformed_by {45, 0.5}; // var0 equals the geometry resulting from 45 degrees rotation and 50% scaling of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
See also: rotated_by, translated_by,
) --->geometry
A geometry resulting from the application of a translation by the right-hand operand distance to the left-hand operand (geometry, agent, point)
geometry var0 <- self translated_by {10,10,10}; // var0 equals the geometry resulting from applying the translation to the left-hand geometry (or agent).
See also: rotated_by, transformed_by,
Same signification as at_location
) --->matrix
The transposition of the given matrix
matrix var0 <- transpose(matrix([[5,-3],[6,-4]])); // var0 equals matrix([[5,6],[-3,-4]])
) --->geometry
) --->geometry
A triangle geometry which the base and height size are given by the operand. A triangle geometry which side size is given by the operand.
the center of the triangle is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.the center of the triangle is by default the location of the current agent in which has been called this operator.
- returns nil if one of the operand is nil.
- returns nil if the operand is nil.
geometry var0 <- triangle(5, 10); // var0 equals a geometry as a triangle with a base of 5m and a height of 10m.
geometry var1 <- triangle(5); // var1 equals a geometry as a triangle with side_size = 5.
See also: around, circle, cone, line, link, norm, point, polygon, polyline, rectangle, square, polyhedron, teapot, cone3D, geometry_collection, squircle, ellipse, arc, hexagon, cylinder, box, cross, elliptical_arc, plan, sphere, cube, curve,
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the operand geometry (geometry, agent, point) with the given tolerance for the clipping A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the operand geometry (geometry, agent, point, use_approx_clipping) with the given tolerance for the clipping and for the triangulation with using an approximate clipping is the last operand is true A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the operand geometry (geometry, agent, point) with the given tolerance for the clipping and for the triangulation A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation computed from the list of polylines A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation computed from the list of polylines with the given tolerance for the triangulation A list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the operand geometry (geometry, agent, point)
list<geometry> var0 <- triangulate(self, 0.1); // var0 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
list<geometry> var1 <- triangulate(self,0.1, 1.0, true); // var1 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
list<geometry> var2 <- triangulate(self,0.1, 1.0); // var2 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
list<geometry> var3 <- triangulate([line([{0,50},{100,50}]), line([{50,0},{50,100}])); // var3 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
list<geometry> var4 <- triangulate([line([{0,50},{100,50}]), line([{50,0},{50,100}], 0.01)); // var4 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator with the a tolerance of 0.01 for the triangulation.
list<geometry> var5 <- triangulate(self); // var5 equals the list of geometries (triangles) corresponding to the Delaunay triangulation of the geometry of the agent applying the operator.
) --->float
) --->float
A random value from a normally distributed random variable in the interval ]mean - standardDeviation; mean + standardDeviation[.
- if the operand is a list, only the two first elements are taken into account as [mean, standardDeviation]
- when truncated_gauss is called with a list of only one element mean, it will always return 0.0
- when the operand is a point, it is read as {mean, standardDeviation}
float var0 <- truncated_gauss ([0.5, 0.0]); // var0 equals 0.5
float var1 <- truncated_gauss ({0, 0.3}); // var1 equals a float between -0.3 and 0.3
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, lognormal_rnd, poisson, rnd, skew_gauss, weibull_rnd, gamma_trunc_rnd, weibull_trunc_rnd, lognormal_trunc_rnd, gauss,
) --->any GAML type<unknown>
Returns the GAML type of the operand
string var0 <- string(type_of("a string")); // var0 equals "string"
string var1 <- string(type_of([1,2,3,4,5])); // var1 equals "list<int>"
geometry g0 <- to_GAMA_CRS({121,14}, "EPSG:4326");
string var3 <- string(type_of(g0)); // var3 equals "point"
) --->string
Returns a string that represents the uncompressed form (using gzip) of the argument
See also: compress,
) --->graph
the operand graph becomes an undirected graph.
WARNING / side effect: this operator modifies the operand and does not create a new graph.
See also: directed,
Same signification as +
) --->geometry
) --->list
returns a new list containing all the elements of both containers without duplicated elements.
- if the right-operand is a container of points, geometries or agents, returns the geometry resulting from the union all the geometries
- if the left or right operand is nil, union throws an error
geometry var0 <- union([geom1, geom2, geom3]); // var0 equals a geometry corresponding to union between geom1, geom2 and geom3
list var1 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] union [2,4,9]; // var1 equals [1,2,3,4,5,6,9]
list var2 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] union [0,8]; // var2 equals [1,2,3,4,5,6,0,8]
list var3 <- [1,3,2,4,5,6,8,5,6] union [0,8]; // var3 equals [1,3,2,4,5,6,8,0]
) --->unknown
casts the operand in a unknown object.
) --->bool
any expression
(any expression
) --->bool
Returns true if the current_date of the model is before (or equel to) the date passed in argument. Synonym of 'current_date <= argument'
reflex when: until(starting_date) {} // This reflex will be run only once at the beginning of the simulation
Same signification as uncompress
) --->bool
Unzip a given zip file into a given folder. Returns true if the file is well unzipped
bool unzip_ok <- unzip(["../includes/my_folder"], "folder.zip";
) --->string
Converts all of the characters in the string operand to upper case
string var0 <- upper_case("Abc"); // var0 equals 'ABC'
See also: lower_case, capitalize,
) --->graph
if the second operand is true, the operand graph will store in a cache all the previously computed shortest path (the cache be cleared if the graph is modified).
WARNING / side effect: this operator modifies the operand and does not create a new graph.
See also: path_between,
) --->bool
Asks the user to confirm a choice. The two string are used to specify the title and the message of the dialog box.
bool confirm <- user_confirm("Confirm","Please confirm");
) --->map<string,unknown>
) --->map<string,unknown>
) --->map<string,unknown>
) --->map<string,unknown>
) --->map<string,unknown>
Asks the user for some values and returns a map containing these values. Takes a string and a list of calls to the enter()
or choose()
operators as arguments. The string is used to specify the message of the dialog box. The list is used to specify the parameters the user can enter. Finally, the font of the title can be specified, as well as the background color and whether the title and close button of the dialog should be displayed or not
map<string,unknown> values2 <- user_input_dialog('Enter number of agents and locations',[enter('Number',100), enter('Location',point, {10, 10})], font('Helvetica', 18));
create bug number: int(values2 at "Number") with: [location:: (point(values2 at "Location"))];
map<string,unknown> values2 <- user_input_dialog('Enter number of agents and locations',[enter('Number',100), enter('Location',point, {10, 10})], font('Helvetica', 18), #blue, true);
create bug number: int(values2 at "Number") with: [location:: (point(values2 at "Location"))];
map<string,unknown> values2 <- user_input_dialog('Enter number of agents and locations',[enter('Number',100), enter('Location',point, {10, 10})]);
create bug number: int(values2 at "Number") with: [location:: (point(values2 at "Location"))];
map<string,unknown> values_no_title <- user_input_dialog([enter('Number',100), enter('Location',point, {10, 10})]);
create bug number: int(values2 at "Number") with: [location:: (point(values2 at "Location"))];
map<string,unknown> values2 <- user_input_dialog('Enter number of agents and locations',[enter('Number',100), enter('Location',point, {10, 10})], font('Helvetica', 18));
create bug number: int(values2 at "Number") with: [location:: (point(values2 at "Location"))];
any expression
(any expression
) --->unknown
Allows to specify in which topology a spatial computation should take place.
- has no effect if the topology passed as a parameter is nil
unknown var0 <- (agents closest_to self) using topology(world); // var0 equals the closest agent to self (the caller) in the continuous topology of the world
) --->list<float>
) --->float
) --->float
) --->float
Returns the variance of a data sequence. That is (sumOfSquares - mean*sum) / size with mean = sum/size. Returns the variance from a standard deviation. the variance of the elements of the operand. See Variance for more details.
In the example we consider variance of [1,3,5,7]. The size is 4, the sum is 1+3+5+7=16 and the sum of squares is 84.The variance is (84- 16^2/4)/4. CQFD.The operator casts all the numerical element of the list into float. The elements that are not numerical are discarded.
int var0 <- int(variance(4,16,84)); // var0 equals 5
int var1 <- int(variance([1,3,5,6,9,11,12,13])); // var1 equals 17
float var2 <- variance ([4.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.0]); // var2 equals 1.671875
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
the variance of the right-hand expression evaluated on each of the elements of the left-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
float var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6] variance_of each with_precision 2; // var0 equals 2.92
See also: min_of, max_of, sum_of, product_of,
) --->unknown<string>
Creates a vertical layout node (a sash). Sashes can contain any number (> 1) of other elements: stacks, horizontal or vertical sashes, or display indices. Each element is represented by a pair in the map, where the key is the element and the value its weight within the sash
) --->image
Returns an image flipped vertically by reflecting the original image around the x axis. The original image is left untouched
) --->list<geometry>
) --->list<geometry>
A list of geometries corresponding to the Voronoi diagram built from the list of points (with eventually a given clip).
list<geometry> var0 <- voronoi([{10,10},{50,50},{90,90},{10,90},{90,10}], square(300)); // var0 equals the list of geometries corresponding to the Voronoi Diagram built from the list of points with a square of 300m side size as clip.
list<geometry> var1 <- voronoi([{10,10},{50,50},{90,90},{10,90},{90,10}]); // var1 equals the list of geometries corresponding to the Voronoi Diagram built from the list of points.
) --->float
weibull_density(x,shape,scale) returns the probability density function (PDF) at the specified point x of the Weibull distribution with the given shape and scale.
float var0 <- weibull_rnd(1,2,3) ; // var0 equals 0.731
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, lognormal_rnd, poisson, rnd, skew_gauss, lognormal_density, gamma_density,
) --->float
returns a random value from a Weibull distribution with specified values of the shape (alpha) and scale (beta) parameters. See https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WeibullDistribution.html for more details (equations 1 and 2).
float var0 <- weibull_rnd(2,3) ; // var0 equals 0.731
See also: binomial, gamma_rnd, gauss_rnd, lognormal_rnd, poisson, rnd, skew_gauss, truncated_gauss, weibull_trunc_rnd, gamma_density, lognormal_density,
) --->float
) --->float
returns a random value from a truncated Weibull distribution (in a range or given only one boundary) with specified values of the shape (alpha) and scale (beta) parameters. See https://mathworld.wolfram.com/WeibullDistribution.html for more details (equations 1 and 2).
- when 2 float operands are specified, they are taken as mininimum and maximum values for the result
- when 1 float and a boolean (isMax) operands are specified, the float value represents the single boundary (max if the boolean is true, min otherwise),
See also: weibull_rnd, gamma_trunc_rnd, lognormal_trunc_rnd, truncated_gauss, exp_rnd,
) --->float
returns the weight of the given edge (right-hand operand) contained in the graph given in right-hand operand.
In a localized graph, an edge has a weight by default (the distance between both vertices).
- if the left-operand (the graph) is nil, returns nil
- if the right-hand operand is not an edge of the given graph, weight_of checks whether it is a node of the graph and tries to return its weight
- if the right-hand operand is neither a node, nor an edge, returns 1.
graph graphFromMap <- as_edge_graph([{1,5}::{12,45},{12,45}::{34,56}]);
float var1 <- graphFromMap weight_of(link({1,5},{12,45})); // var1 equals 1.0
) --->int
The index of the candidate that maximizes the weighted mean of its criterion values. The first operand is the list of candidates (a candidate is a list of criterion values); the second operand the list of criterion (list of map)
- returns -1 is the list of candidates is nil or empty
int var0 <- weighted_means_DM([[1.0, 7.0],[4.0,2.0],[3.0, 3.0]], [["name"::"utility", "weight" :: 2.0],["name"::"price", "weight" :: 1.0]]); // var0 equals 1
See also: promethee_DM, electre_DM, evidence_theory_DM,
any expression
,any expression
) --->list
any expression
,any expression
) --->list
any expression
,any expression
) --->list
a list containing all the elements of the left-hand operand that make the right-hand operand evaluate to true.
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil, where throws an error
- if the left-operand is a map, the keyword each will contain each value
list var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] where (each >= 4); // var4 equals [4, 6]
list var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] where (each > 3); // var0 equals [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
list var2 <- g2 where (length(g2 out_edges_of each) = 0 ); // var2 equals [node9, node7, node10, node8, node11]
list var3 <- (list(node) where (round(node(each).location.x) > 32); // var3 equals [node2, node3]
See also: first_with, last_with, with_max_of, with_min_of, group_by,
) --->emotion
change the about value of the given emotion
emotion with_about predicate1
) --->social_link
change the agent value of the given social link
social_link with_agent agentA
) --->emotion
change the agentCause value of the given emotion
new_emotion with_agent_cause agentA
Same signification as rgb
) --->emotion
change the decay value of the given emotion
emotion with_decay 12
) --->social_link
change the dominance value of the given social link
social_link with_dominance 0.4
) --->social_link
change the familiarity value of the given social link
social_link with_familiarity 0.4
) --->image
Applies a proportional scaling to the image passed in parameter to return a new scaled image with the corresponding height. A height of 0 will return nil, a height equal to the height of the image will return the original image. Automatic scaling and resizing methods are used. The original image is left untouched
) --->emotion
change the intensity value of the given emotion
emotion with_intensity 12
) --->graph
changes the K shortest paths computation algorithm of the given graph
the right-hand operand can be #Yen and #Bhandari to use the associated algorithm.
the_graph <- the_graph with_k_shortest_path_algorithm #Yen;
) --->social_link
change the liking value of the given social link
social_link with_liking 0.4
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
one of elements of the left-hand operand that maximizes the value of the right-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil, with_max_of returns the default value of the right-hand operand
unknown var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] with_max_of (each ); // var0 equals 8
unknown var2 <- g2 with_max_of (length(g2 out_edges_of each) ) ; // var2 equals node4
unknown var3 <- (list(node) with_max_of (round(node(each).location.x)); // var3 equals node3
unknown var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] with_max_of (each); // var4 equals 6
See also: where, with_min_of,
any expression
,any expression
) --->unknown
one of elements of the left-hand operand that minimizes the value of the right-hand operand
in the right-hand operand, the keyword each can be used to represent, in turn, each of the right-hand operand elements.
- if the left-hand operand is nil, with_max_of returns the default value of the right-hand operand
unknown var0 <- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] with_min_of (each ); // var0 equals 1
unknown var2 <- g2 with_min_of (length(g2 out_edges_of each) ); // var2 equals node11
unknown var3 <- (list(node) with_min_of (round(node(each).location.x)); // var3 equals node0
unknown var4 <- [1::2, 3::4, 5::6] with_min_of (each); // var4 equals 2
See also: where, with_max_of,
) --->geometry
) --->point
) --->float
A geometry corresponding to the rounding of points of the operand considering a given precison. Rounds off the ordinates of the left-hand point to the precision given by the value of right-hand operand Rounds off the value of left-hand operand to the precision given by the value of right-hand operand
geometry var0 <- self with_precision 2; // var0 equals the geometry resulting from the rounding of points of the geometry with a precision of 0.1.
point var1 <- {12345.78943, 12345.78943, 12345.78943} with_precision 2 ; // var1 equals {12345.79, 12345.79, 12345.79}
float var2 <- 12345.78943 with_precision 2; // var2 equals 12345.79
float var3 <- 123 with_precision 2; // var3 equals 123.00
See also: round,
) --->graph
changes the shortest path computation algorithm of the given graph
the right-hand operand can be #Djikstra, #BidirectionalDijkstra, #BellmannFord, #FloydWarshall, #Astar, #NBAStar, #NBAStarApprox, #DeltaStepping, #CHBidirectionalDijkstra, #TransitNodeRouting to use the associated algorithm.
road_network <- road_network with_shortestpath_algorithm #TransitNodeRouting;
) --->font
Creates a new font from an existing font, with a new size in points
font var0 <- font ('Helvetica Neue',12, #bold + #italic) with_size 24; // var0 equals a bold and italic face of the Helvetica Neue family with a size of 24 points
) --->image
Applies a non-proportional scaling to the image passed in parameter to return a new scaled image with the corresponding width and height. A height of 0 or a width of 0 will return nil. If the width and height parameters are repectively equal to the width and height of the original image, it is returned. Automatic scaling and resizing methods are used. The original image is left untouched
) --->social_link
change the solidarity value of the given social link
social_link with_solidarity 0.4
) --->font
Creates a new font from an existing font, with a new style: either #bold, #italic or #plain or a combination (addition) of them.
font var0 <- font ('Helvetica Neue',12, #bold + #italic) with_style #plain; // var0 equals a plain face of the Helvetica Neue family with a size of 12 points
) --->social_link
change the trust value of the given social link
social_link with_trust 0.4
) --->predicate
change the is_true value of the given predicate
predicate with_truth false
) --->predicate
change the parameters of the given predicate
predicate with_values ["time"::10]
) --->graph
) --->graph
returns the graph (left-hand operand) with weight given in the map (right-hand operand).
WARNING / side effect: this operator modifies the operand and does not create a new graph. It also re-initializes the path finder
- if the right-hand operand is a list, assigns the n elements of the list to the n first edges. Note that the ordering of edges may change overtime, which can create some problems...
- if the left-hand operand is a map, the map should contains pairs such as: vertex/edge::double
graph_from_edges (list(ant) as_map each::one_of (list(ant))) with_weights (list(ant) as_map each::each.food)
) --->image
Applies a proportional scaling to the image passed in parameter to return a new scaled image with the corresponding width. A width of 0 will return nil, a width equal to the width of the image will return the original image. Automatic scaling and resizing methods are used. The original image is left untouched
) --->geometry
A geometry corresponding to the operand geometry (geometry, agent, point) without its holes
geometry var0 <- solid(self); // var0 equals the geometry corresponding to the geometry of the agent applying the operator without its holes.
float var1 <- without_holes(polygon([{0,50}, {0,0}, {50,0}, {50,50}, {0,50}]) - square(10) at_location {10,10}).area; // var1 equals 2500.0
) --->map<string,map<string,unknown>>
) --->map<string,map<string,unknown>>
Build a wizard and return the values enter by the user as a map of map ["title page 1"::["var1"::1,"var2"::2]]. Takes a string, a list of calls to the wizard_page()
operator. The first string is used to specify the title. The list is to specify the wizard pages.
Build a wizard and return the values enter by the user as a map of map ["title page 1"::["var1"::1,"var2"::2]]. Takes a string, an action and a list of calls to the wizard_page()
operator. The first string is used to specify the title. The action to describe when the wizard is supposed to be finished. A classic way of defining the action is bool eval_finish(map<string,map> input_map) {return input_map["page1"]["file"] != nil;}. The list is to specify the wizard pages.
map results <- wizard("My wizard",[wizard_page("page1","enter info" ,[enter("var1",string)], font("Arial", 10))]);
map results <- wizard("My wizard",eval_finish, [wizard_page("page1","enter info" ,[enter("var1",string)], font("Arial", 10))]);
) --->map<string,unknown>
) --->map<string,unknown>
Build a wizard page. Takes two strings and a list of calls to the enter()
or choose()
operators. The first string is used to specify the title, the second the description of the dialog box. The list is to specify the parameters the user can enter
Build a wizard page. Takes two strings, a list of calls to the enter()
or choose()
operators and a font as arguments. The first string is used to specify the title, the second the description of the dialog box. The list is to specify the parameters the user can enter. The font is used to specify the font
map results <- wizard("My wizard",[wizard_page("page1","enter info" ,[enter("var1",string)])]);
map results <- wizard("My wizard",[wizard_page("page1","enter info" ,[enter("var1",string)], font("Arial", 10))]);
) --->file
Marks the file as read-only or not, depending on the second boolean argument, and returns the first argument
A file is created using its native flags. This operator can change them. Beware that this change is system-wide (and not only restrained to GAMA): changing a file to read-only mode (e.g. "writable(f, false)")
file var0 <- shape_file("../images/point_eau.shp") writable false; // var0 equals returns a file in read-only mode
See also: file,
) --->file
Constructs a file of type xml. Allowed extensions are limited to xml
- xml_file(string): This file constructor allows to read a xml file
file f <-xml_file("file.xml");
See also: is_xml,
) --->bool
a bool value, equal to the logical xor between the left-hand operand and the right-hand operand. False when they are equal
both operands are always casted to bool before applying the operator. Thus, an expression like 1 xor 0 is accepted and returns true.
bool var0 <- xor(true,false); // var0 equals true
bool var1 <- xor(false,false); // var1 equals false
bool var2 <- xor(false,true); // var2 equals true
bool var3 <- xor(true,true); // var3 equals false
bool var4 <- true xor true; // var4 equals false
) --->int
Provide the exact number of years between two dates. This number can be positive or negative (if the second operand is smaller than the first one)
int var0 <- years_between(date('2000-01-01'), date('2010-01-01')); // var0 equals 10
Same signification as compress
) --->bool
Zip a given list of files or folders. Returns true if the files are well zipped
bool zip_ok <- zip(["../includes/my_folder"], "folder.zip";
- Installation and Launching
- Workspace, Projects and Models
- Editing Models
- Running Experiments
- Running Headless
- Preferences
- Troubleshooting
- Introduction
- Manipulate basic Species
- Global Species
- Defining Advanced Species
- Defining GUI Experiment
- Exploring Models
- Optimizing Models
- Multi-Paradigm Modeling
- Manipulate OSM Data
- Cleaning OSM Data
- Diffusion
- Using Database
- Using FIPA ACL
- Using BDI with BEN
- Using Driving Skill
- Manipulate dates
- Manipulate lights
- Using comodel
- Save and restore Simulations
- Using network
- Headless mode
- Using Headless
- Writing Unit Tests
- Ensure model's reproducibility
- Going further with extensions
- Built-in Species
- Built-in Skills
- Built-in Architecture
- Statements
- Data Type
- File Type
- Expressions
- Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
- Installing the GIT version
- Developing Extensions
- Introduction to GAMA Java API
- Using GAMA flags
- Creating a release of GAMA
- Documentation generation