npm mod-pickle module implements the python pickle-like binary protocols for serializing and de-serializing a javascript object structure as in python
Find the demos in the demos folder
Pickle Reference:
const JSPickle = require("mod-pickle");
JSAlgorithmBasedPickler(algorithm, keyAlgorithm, digest, options)
jsPickler(algorithm, keyAlgorithm, digest, options)
* JSAlgorithmBasedPickler, JSPickler
* @param {*} algorithm
* @param {*} keyAlgorithm
* @param {*} digest
* @param {*} options
* @return {*}
dump(path, data, salt = "secret")
let hasher = JSPickle.jsPickler();
let written = hasher.dump("./demos/test", content);
load(path, salt = "secret")
const JSPickle = require("mod-pickle");
let hasher = JSPickle.jsPickler();
let read = hasher.load("./demos/test");
unpickle(path, salt = "secret")
let hasher = JSPickle.jsPickler();
let dehashed = hasher.unpickle("./demos/test");
This is the original python pickle implementation.
'use strict';
const JSPickle = require("mod-pickle");
let { HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, dump, load, Pickler, Unpickler } = JSPickle.pickle();
// let { HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, dump, load, Pickler, Unpickler } = JSPickle.pypickle();
dump(dataObj, file, protocol, fix_imports, buffer_callback).then(v => console.log(v));
Pickler(dataObj, file, protocol, fix_imports, "buffer_callback).then(v => console.log(v));
Unpickler(file, fix_imports, encoding, errors, buffer).then(v => console.log(v));
load(file, fix_imports, encoding, errors, buffer).then(v => console.log(v));
const hash = require("hasher-apis");
let { privateKey, publicKey } = hash._genKeyPair()
hash._dumpKeyFile("./demos/privateKey", privateKey);
hash._dumpKeyFile("./demos/publicKey", publicKey);
const JSPickle = require("mod-pickle");
const fs = require("fs");
const p3 = "./demos/test.txt";
let content = fs.readFileSync(p3, {encoding: "utf-8"});
let hashed = hash.encryptWithKey(content, { publicKeyPath: "./demos/publicKey.pem"});
let data = hash.decryptWithKey(hashed, { privateKeyPath: "./demos/privateKey.pem"});
fs.writeFileSync("./demos/programming.encryptwithkey.txt", data, { encoding: "utf-8"});
- In development
Check .todo file for latest TODO list
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