GatsbyJS v2 starter for creating a blog. Based on Grommet v2 UI.
- Easily configurable - see site-config.js in the root
- Switch between grommet themes - dark, base, dxc, aruba and grommet (default)
- Content/blog folder in the root for blog posts - just write a post in Markdown format taking as an example one of the templates
- Blog posts previews in card style (with a picture-cover or without)
- Responsive Design, optimized for Mobile devices
- Change between light and dark themes
- Sticky Sidebar - react-sticky
- Gatsby v2 SSG
- Grommet v2 UI
- styled-components for style
- TypeScript
- ESLint and typescript-eslint
- lint-staged and husky - for linting before commit. It also runs "gatsby build" - this ensures that the site will work after the commit. This makes commits slow, but it helps to avoid mistakes - something that works in gatsby develop may not work in gatsby build. If you do not need this, you can simply delete "husky" settings from package.json.
- redux and react-redux, example gatsby using-redux
The best place to start using Gatsby:
Install Gatsby cli (if you have not already):
npm install --global gatsby-cli
gatsby new blog-grommet
cd blog-grommet
Running in development:
gatsby develop