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Lu Gan edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 18 revisions


  1. Data Preparation
  • (3/18) Choose a sequence of data with the most information and collect input information.
  • (Done) Develop the project base code to extract information from our data.
  • (Done) Define the data structures for our voxel-based 3D map presentation.
  1. Implement Voxel Map on the CPU
  • (Done) Decide voxel map representation and develop basic operators for map update.
  • (Done) Visualize the voxel semantic map using OpenSceneGraph or PCL.
  1. Implement Map Prediction
  • (3/25) History-based Transition: Propagate the belief from the previous frame with scene flow.
  • (4/1) Smoothing-based Transition: Apply smoothing model based on semantic distribution.
  1. Implement Measurement Update
  • (3/25) Update voxel occupancy by measurement.
  • (4/1) Update voxel semantics by measurement.
  1. Object Discovery and Post-processing (Optional)
  • (4/1) Generate object proposals from semantic maps.
  • (4/1) Enforce spatial consistency on the voxel map using CRF.
  1. Experiment Conduction and Work Summary
  • (4/5) Merge all pieces of work together and conduct experiments on the semantic map result.
  • (4/10) Write report and prepare presentation.

Weekly Progress

Sunday, March 19 2017

  • (Done, Lu) Implement SemanticOcTree and basic functions.

  • (Done, Lu) Implement Extra Information fusion, including color and semantics. Color fusion tested on Stanford 2D-3D-Semantics Dataset (2D-3D-S).

    Area_1_office_1 Area_1_conferenceRoom_2

  • (Done, Lu) Implement Semantics fusion, and encode semantics into color for final visualization.

  • (Done, Lu) Test SemanticOcTree for five classes: chair, table, door, wall, board(celling), works fine. Area_1_conferenceRoom_1_five_classes Area_1_office1_five_classes

Sunday, March 27 2017

Weekly Discussion:

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