us an offline camera vignetting calibration and correction tool.
The calibration is easy with a chessboard in a light uniform environment.
Authors: Wenlaing GAO
ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04: ROS Installation.
Other ROS pacakge requisites: special version camera_model
, code_utils
For image ccollection, use calib_image_saver
Follow Ceres-Solver Installation
, remember to make install.
(Our testing environment: Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic, OpenCV 3.2.0, Eigen 3.2.0)
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
git clone
cd ../
Collect chessboard images with calib_image_saver
Calibrate the intrinsic parameters using the tool in camera_model
Check the threshold between the black squares and the write squares. Finish
./vignetting_calib --camera-name wkx --input wkx/ -p IMG_ -e png -w 9 -h 8 --size 70 --opencv true --resize-scale 1.0 --cropper_width 0 --cropper_height 0 --center_x 640 --center_y 512 --save_result true --is_color false --threshold 45
If the threshold is right, the chessboard in the oputput images will be marked with green and red points.
vignetting map:
sample parameter:
model_type: VIGNETTING
image_width: 1280
image_height: 960
center_x: 6.6464141845703125e+02
center_y: 4.7054119873046875e+02
is_color_cam: 0
channel: 1
k0: 2.1326925528903553e+02
k1: 3.2458047022269182e-05
k2: -2.3826953130897426e-10
k3: 0.
Raw image:
correction image:
compared image: