MAestro is the operating system kernel for Memphis-V MA-Memphis.
It includes multiprogramming capabilities, scheduling, message-passing drivers for data and broadcast NoC, and some POSIX system calls.
Currently, MAestro supports RISC-V cores.
- riscv64-elf-gcc
- libmutils
Run make
It should produce kernel.{elf, bin, lst, txt}
- Low-Level Monitoring
Dalzotto, A. E., Borges, C. S., Ruaro, M., and Moraes, F. G. (2022). Non-intrusive Monitoring Framework for NoC-based Many-Cores. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), pages 1-7.
- Microkernel
Dalzotto, A. E., Ruaro, M., Erthal, L. V., and Moraes, F. G. (2021). Management Application - a New Approach to Control Many-Core Systems. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), pages 1-6.
- Kernel services
Ruaro, M., Caimi, L. L., Fochi, V., and Moraes, F. G. (2019). Memphis: a framework for heterogeneous many-core SoCs generation and validation. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 23(3-4):103-122.
- Scheduler
Ruaro, M., and Moraes, F. G. (2016). Dynamic real-time scheduler for large-scale MPSoCs. In Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pages 341-346.