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Less Hash Bloom Filter

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Less Hash Bloom Filter is fast bloom filter.

The computation of hash functions and checking the existence of an element is a major computation overhead. Also, bloom filter requires multiple independent hash functions, and well-designed hash functions are computation-intensive like MD5, SHA-1 [1].

In this implementation, we use a different technique to generate the k hash functions from only two. Therefore, the bloom filter is fast.


Install Less Hash Bloom Filter with pip as follows:

$ pip install LessHash-BloomFilter


LHBF needs to know the size of bloom filter m and number of hash functions k.

Note: You should use high m to avoid the collision of hash functions. The probability of two random strings colliding is ~ 1/m

from lhbf import BloomFilter

# Create a bloom filter 
bf = BloomFilter(m=200, k=2)

# Add an element

# Check if element exists

# Estimate flase positive probability 

# Combine two bloom filters
bf2 = BloomFilter(m=200, k=2)

# Save bloom filter as a binary file in npy format.'bf.npy')

# Load bloom filter from a file 
bf3 = BloomFilter().load('bf.npy')


  • Hash functions used:

    • For integer, we use Knuth multiplicative hash [2]
    • For string, we use polynomial rolling hash function [3]
  • k hash functions:

    Using two hash functions, we calculate the k hash functions as follows:

    gi(x) = h1(x) + i x h2(x) mod m, where 0 ≤ i ≤ k-1

    It has been proved that using this method does not increase the asymptotic false positive probability [4].


You're welcome to submit pull requests with any changes for this repository at any time. I'll be very glad to see any contributions.


  • [1] Luo, Lailong, et al. Optimizing bloom filter: challenges, solutions, and comparisons. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (2018).
  • [2] Knuth, Donald Ervin. The art of computer programming: sorting and searching. Vol. 3. Pearson Education, 1997.
  • [3] Karp, Richard M., and Michael O. Rabin. Efficient randomized pattern-matching algorithms. IBM journal of research and development 31.2 (1987): 249-260.
  • [4] Kirsch, Adam, and Michael Mitzenmacher. Less hashing, same performance: building a better bloom filter. European Symposium on Algorithms. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.