RESTful API framework based on koa and bookshelf
Writing a RESTful API has never been so easy!
Koapi is a library for building RESTful APIs in a really simple way.
npm install koapi
id | title | contents | created_at | updated_at |
1 | Title | Contents | 2016-8-1 | 2016-8-1 |
id | post_id | title | contents | created_at | updated_at |
1 | 1 | Title | Comment | 2016-8-1 | 2016-8-1 |
const { Koapi, router, middlewares, model } = require('koapi')
const app = new Koapi();
/****************** Connect to database ******************/
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host : '',
user : 'your_database_user',
password : 'your_database_password',
database : 'myapp_test'
class Comment extends model.Base {
get tableName () { return 'comments' }
get hasTimestamps () { return true }
class Post extends model.Base {
get tableName () { return 'posts' }
get hasTimestamps () { return true }
comments () {
return this.hasMany(Comment);
/****************** Implement Routers ******************/
const comments = router.resource(Comment, {
collection: ctx =>
setup (route) {
// method "crud" is a shortcut for "create", "read", "update" and "destroy"
// YOU CAN ALSO USE MIDDLEWARE in "create", "read", "update", "destroy"
route.create(async(ctx, next) => {
// you can do anything before create
await next();
// you can do anything after create
})* You can place any middleware here if you need */{
filterable: ['created_at'], // filterable fields
sortable: ['created_at'], // sortable fields
// POST /posts
// GET /posts
// GET /posts/:id
// PATCH /posts/:id
// DELETE /posts/:id
const posts = router.resource(Post, route => route.crud()).children(comments)
/****************** Run server ******************/
app.use(middlewares.routers([ posts ]))
node ./app
You have done your RESTful APIs in ONE minute
Checkout Koapp for your situation.