The idea here is to develop a 'naive' hand analyzer using Ruby and RSpec. The emphasis is on the test spec created with RSpec.
The ruby-poker
gem ( does a good job of evaluating poker hands. What we want here is a way to analyze the odds of specific hands like this:
Example 1:
board = [] # preflop
hand1 = ["T", "Spades"),"T", "Hearts") ]
hand2 = ["9", "Spades"),"9", "Hearts") ]
HandAnalyzer.show_odds(board, hand1, hand2) # => hand1_wins, ties = [0.8240254067034826, 0.005806211981050094]
The code above creates two hands (a pair of Ts vs. a lower pair of 9s). These odds are important to know in Texas Holdem. We calculate the odds with a full simulation. This means evaluating 1712304 hands (48 remaining cards in the deck in combinations of 5).
Example 2:
board = []
hand1 = ["A", "Spades"),"K", "Hearts") ]
hand2 = ["9", "Spades"),"9", "Hearts") ]
HandAnalyzer.show_odds(board, hand1, hand2) # => hand1_wins, ties = [0.44903416683018904, 0.004713532176529402]
We use test-driven development (TDD). We move forward by writing individual tests to incrementally reach the goal described above.
- Increase speed compared to the naive hand evaluation solution
- Handle other situations besides preflop
- Attempt to analyze and quantify how long streaks of luck can occur in Texas Holdem