High school student from Memphis, Tennessee who plans on studying cybersecurity and computer science in college.
- Email: garrett@mersh.com
- LinkedIn: Garrett Howard
Rust, C#, Java, Python, PHP, GDScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Lua, POSIX shell
Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Flatpak, GTK, Godot Engine, Unity, ASP.NET, Node.js, MariaDB, MySQL, Cargo, Git, GitHub, QEMU
Experienced with Microsoft Windows, Linux, and OpenBSD.
Steam.rs (Rust)
- Summer 2023-current
- Rust crate that provides safe and convenient Rust bindings for the Steam Web API.
- Role: Lead Developer - Designed and implemented core functionality, collaborated with contributors on developing, testing, and debugging the project.
Pizza Panic (Godot/OpenXR)
- Fall 2023
- Virtual-reality game; Recreation of the "Pizzatron 3000" minigame from Club Penguin, designed for standalone headsets.