- environment.py - main script that generates data for different games/estimators and plot it
- game.py - interface for games
- estimator.py - interface for estimators
- reinforce.py - reinforce estimator
- cart_pole.py - cart-pole game
- Vasilii Kopylov vkopylov@student.ethz.ch
- Jakub Mandula jmandula@student.ethz.ch
- Emiljo Mehillaj emehillaj@student.ethz.ch
- Christian Gasser chgasser@student.ethz.ch
Brainstorming doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ORe8bYeyK1qdgkFnvwzRyqKiPX85h4kklDUvl_49D6g/edit#
Overleaf link: https://www.overleaf.com/project/61b07a2d5c52e4b1697888ec
# Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the given estimator on a game with custom parameters for 1000 trajectories and 20 repetitions
python main.py --game lunar_lander --estimator PagePg --prob 0.3 --iter 20 --num_traj 1000 --output ./runs
# Plot a given run file
python main.py --plot_files ./runs/run1.npy
# See this for more details
python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [--game {cart_pole,lunar_lander,continuous_mountain_car,mountain_car,pendulum}] [--estimator {Reinforce,Gpomdp,SarahPg,PageStormPg,Svrpg,StormPg,PagePg,all}]
[--output OUTPUT] [--num_traj NUM_TRAJ] [--iter ITER] [--subit SUBIT] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--mini_batch_size MINI_BATCH_SIZE] [--flr FLR] [--lr LR] [--mlr MLR]
[--prob PROB] [--alpha ALPHA] [--plot_files PLOT_FILES [PLOT_FILES ...]] [--plot] [--use_cuda]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--game {cart_pole,lunar_lander,continuous_mountain_car,mountain_car,pendulum}
Game to be tested
--estimator {Reinforce,Gpomdp,SarahPg,PageStormPg,Svrpg,StormPg,PagePg,all}
Estimator to be used
--output OUTPUT Output directory path
--num_traj NUM_TRAJ Number of Total Trajectories
--iter ITER Number of repeted iterations
--subit SUBIT Max allowed number of subiterations
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch Size
--mini_batch_size MINI_BATCH_SIZE
Mini Batch Size
--flr FLR First Learning rate
--lr LR Learning rate
--mlr MLR this is magnitude of update by self.optimizer_sub
--prob PROB Probability
--alpha ALPHA Alpha
--plot_files PLOT_FILES [PLOT_FILES ...]
Plot Specific Files
--plot Plot the given estimator
--use_cuda Use CUDA
Date | Comment |
11.12.2021 | Submit 1-page proposal, bonus 0.25 on proposal grade |
20.12.2021 | Submit 1-page proposal |
04.01.2021 | 5-page report+code, bonus 0.25 |
14.01.2021 | 5-page report+code without bonus |
- project is 30% of DL class
- 10% of the project grade is the proposal
- project information on intro slides, page 9
- grading criteria on Deep Learning 2021 (ethz.ch) at the end of the page
- how to, for write report on howto-paper.pdf (ethz.ch)
Commands for pushing
git clone git@github.com:gasserchristian/DL-project.git
cd DL-project
git commit -m "message"
git pull
git push
# list remote branches
git branch -r
# list local branches,
git branch
# first fetch if want to checkout to a remote branch
git fetch
git checkout <branch name>
# Merge branchA into branchB and continue on branchB
git fetch
git checkout branchB
git merge branchA
Cheatsheet on: git-cheat-sheet.pdf (gitlab.com)