This is an authenticated platform where admin can send message to registered users via email. Collect relevant information from users so that admin can notify user based on certain criteria(eg location).The user data can be stored in a database of your choice. Admin can either choose to notify everyone at once or based on certain filters on user data.
The admin is the user with the first record in DB.
- Location: Only a certain number of Locations can be selected by the user, hence making it simpler to send mail based on location.
- Gender: Male or Female
- Age/ age group: Send mails to all users belonging to a particular age or an age group.
This section defines the versions of Ruby and Rails used and instructions to setup the project on local.
- Ruby - 2.6.1
- RubyGems version - 3.0.1
- Rails -
- Rack version - 2.2.3
- Database - MySQL
- Make sure you have RVM, Rails, MySQL, NodeJs installed on your system, if not, follow these steps, otherwise, skip:
- To install RVM (Ruby version manager), (Make sure you're running commands as a login shell)
curl -sSL | gpg --import -
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
- To install MySQL server
sudo apt install mysql-server
- Rails Setup - Follow these steps one-by-one
rvm install 2.6.1
rvm use 2.6.1 --default
gem install bundler:2.1.4
gem install rails -v
sudo apt install libmysqld-dev
gem install mysql2
- NodeJS for webpacker gem
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- Clone the repository using git
git clone
or download the zip file from the repository
- Install gems
bundle install
bundle exec rails webpacker:install
- Create database
rake db:create
- Migrate the migrations to the database
rake db:migrate
- Setup environment variables
- Modify
file and add these lines to the bottom:
export SQL_USERNAME=<your_mysql_username>
export SQL_PASSWORD=<your_mysql_password>
# EmailNotif
export gmail_username=<your_gmail_id>
export gmail_password=<your_gmail_password>
- Run your
file by executing
. ~/.bashrc
- Restart terminal
- Run the server
rails server
- Open http://localhost:3000 on your browser and you're good to go!!
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)- This is the standard protocol for sending emails over the Internet. This is a protocol which is used by a Mail Transfer Agent to deliver emails to a recipient’s email server. This is a protocol which defines mail sending and cannot be used for mail receiving. Since this application is used to send mails and not receive any, I found it the most suitable to use. ActionMailer of Ruby on Rails handles the load of sending mails at the backend.
Theme taken from