A project to investigate possibly interesting ttbar studies in heavy-ion collisions.
establish if Pythia8 provides decay times
- Liliana: Pythia8 does not provide decay/production times/distances. Check in LilianasCode/results/pt0_En5TeV.root the decay/prod_time/position histograms (all entries are set to zero)
understand the question of transverse v. longitudinal boost. Which is more relevant? What about the fact that the medium is moving v. top/W velocities (which are not speed of light)?
- Liliana: To be entirely correct, we could separate the 3 velocity components and apply the boost indepedently (?). The results that are shown so far have a minimum value (taken with only transverse boost) and a maximum value (energy boost). The correct value will be inside this interval. As for the medium, a Bjorken expansion model is usually considered to describe the hydrodynamical evolution. This is the most simple model. As such, in a first approximation the average quantities depend only on the proper time (altough, if one takens into account flucuations, then a dependency with rapidity have to be introduced) A very brief summary of these models can be found here: http://www.physi.uni-heidelberg.de/~fschney/2008SS-Preseminar/Model.pdf
implement a decoherence time that uses either
cos theta = (1-2m^2/E^2)
cos theta = (1-2m^2/(pt^2+m^2))
or even the actual theta between the W decay products (requires a bit more work).
- Liliana: Done! (with actual theta between the W decay products)
establish how well we can correlate kinematics with decay+decoherence time. This can be done just as a function of top and W pt. E.g. inclusive, pt>200, pt>300, pt>500. The question is going to be one of compromise between getting some spread in lifetimes and still having enough events for a measurement to be possible. It'll be fairly borderline for LHC, and probably OK for FCC.
- Liliana: Check in LilianasCode/Images the Comparison files for LHC and FCC. It is shown the results for decay distance and decay distance + coherence time with different cuts for the minimum pt of the W boson. The upper plots represent the results using a transverse boost and the lower plots using a transverse + longitudinal boost. By increasing the pt cut, we are able to probe latter stages of the medium, altough the statistics for the LHC case, when pt > 500 GeV, is very low: from a total of 1Million events, only 400 survive... see LilianasCode/Images/Decay_ptW500_En100TeV.eps file Imposing a cut in the top will reduce even more this statistics.
then move towards actual schematic analysis? And try to see how robust it is with background subtraction.