- Please install Python 3.5 (It will not work with Python 2)
- Open a command prompt and type:
pip install BitStampClient apscheduler
- Use the auto-configuration to configure and create the bitstampconfig.py file, please see the example below for clarification
python bitstampwatcher.py config
- Open a terminal and execute:
python bitstampwatcher.py
#Configuration File Example: The configuration file is a regular python file that has a single function that returns a dictionary with the configuration keys:
def DefaultConfig():
This is the default configuration for the script. Each key on the dictionay returned sets a different functionality.
It contains the following keys:
ExecutionMode: 'once' for a single execution, 'scheduler' for execution with a scheduler
ScheduleString: When using the scheduler, it contains the string containing the tuples for recipients and schedules for exemplo:
(("gbencke@gmail.com,teste@gmail.com","interval","1 hour"),("mail@gbencke.com","cron","day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=17"))
As seen in the example above we have a job to send every 1 hour the quotes and another to send every mon-fri @ 5 PM
The parameters that can be used on the cron mode are described in:
The parameters that can be used on the interval mode are described in:
STMPServer: The SMTP server to use
SMTPPort: The port of the SMTP server to use
EmailFrom: The From email address to appear on the email message
EmailTo: The recipients of the email message in case of a "once" mode, this is ignored in "scheduler" mode
EmailPassword: The password of the user on the SMTP Server
EmailUser: The user on the SMTP Server
:return: A Dictionary with all configuration keys above.
return {
'ExecutionMode': 'scheduler',
'ScheduleString': (("gbencke@gmail.com,ignite@benckesoftware.com.br", "interval", "'seconds': 30 "),
("mail@gbencke.com", "cron", "'day_of_week':'mon-fri', 'hour': '17' ")),
'SMTPServer': 'smtp.somewhere.com.br',
'SMTPPort': '587',
'EmailFrom': 'ignite@somewhere.com.br',
'EmailTo': 'gbencke@gmail.com',
'EmailPassword': 'somepassword',
'EmailUser': 'someone@somewhere.com'
- The script work both on 'scheduler' or 'once' mode.
- In once mode, it will send a quote to a certain address and then end execution
- In scheduler mode, it can either send a email at a certain interval or at a certain cron schedule.