Releases: gbouras13/pypolca
Releases · gbouras13/pypolca
- Fixes bug where
would warn it found 0 variants when in fact there were variants. - Also would result in the polishing not working.
- Please upgrade if you have used v0.1.1!
- Importantly, this release adds benchmarking of
v0.2.0 vs POLCA more thoroughly.
v0.1.0 9 October 2023
- Initial release
Usage: pypolca run [OPTIONS]
Python implementation of the POLCA polisher from MaSuRCA
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-V, --version Show the version and exit.
-a, --assembly PATH Path to assembly contigs or scaffolds. [required]
-1, --reads1 PATH Path to polishing reads R1 FASTQ. Can be FASTQ or
FASTQ gzipped. Required. [required]
-2, --reads2 PATH Path to polishing reads R2 FASTQ. Can be FASTQ or
FASTQ gzipped. Optional. Only use -1 if you have
single end reads.
-t, --threads INTEGER Number of threads. [default: 1]
-o, --output PATH Output directory path [default: output_polca]
-f, --force Force overwrites the output directory
-n, --no_polish do not polish, just create vcf file, evaluate the
assembly and exit
-m, --memory_limit TEXT Memory per thread to use in samtools sort, set to
2G or more for large genomes [default: 2G]
-p, --prefix TEXT prefix for output files [default: polca]