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API to analyze DDC numbers

This repository contains an implementation of an API to analyze synthesized DDC numbers. The algorithm to split DDC numbers is not included. See for more information.

Table of Contents


You will need Node.js version 18 or later (20 is recommended).

git clone
cd coli-ana
npm ci


The server provides a HTTP API at port 11033 by default. (Fun fact: 11033 = Octal 025431 (025.431=Dewey Decimal Classification))

It requires access to an instance of the vc_day_srv backend.

vc_day_srv Backend Configuration

vc_day_srv is a server component developed as part of project colibri (currently closed source) that can analyze DDC numbers and return the analyses to a client. It can be configured via .env:

# These are the default values
BACKEND_INTERPRETER="/usr/bin/awk -f"

That requests are performed via the corresponding client component vc_day_cli2 which is shipped in this repository. So no protocol should be given for host. The backend is required for the service to work. Multiple backends (for BACKEND_HOST and BACKEND_PORT) can be given and will be rotated either on connection error or on stale requests. Note that the number of hosts and ports given must match (even if the same value needs to be repeated).

Note that GNU awk is required. On macOS, this can be installed with Homebrew - brew install gawk - and configured as BACKEND_INTERPRETER="/opt/homebrew/bin/gawk -f" (Apple Silicon) or BACKEND_INTERPRETER="/usr/local/bin/gawk -f" (Intel).

Data dumps and statistics

The script ./bin/ creates a database dump (unless the file already exists, so it is not updated) and calculates some statistics into public/stats.json.


npm run dev


# Bundle Vue files
npm run build
# Run server in production
npm run serve

If you use a process manager like pm2 and need to run server.js directly, make sure to append the necessary flags:

NODE_ENV=production node --experimental-json-modules -r dotenv/config server

K10plus enrichment


Directory k10plus contains legacy scripts to enrich K10plus library catalog with analyzed DDC notations. See in this directory.

The script bin/ created one text file for each DDC number in directory labels for full text indexing.


You can adjust a few configuration options in .env. Here are the available options and default values:

# Configuration for backend service `vc_day_srv` (see above)
BACKEND_INTERPRETER="/usr/bin/awk -f"
# URL to Cocoda instance
# Port for Express server
# Base for URL (e.g. when not running under root of domain)
# Verbosity for log output (log/info/warn/error)
# Settings for retries
# Timeouts in milliseconds for long (will be logged) and stale (will be killed) commands to the backend



Shows a landing page with a web interface, general information, and a list of examples.

GET /analyze?notation=notations

Analyzes a DDC number in parameter notation and returns an array with zero or one JSKOS concepts by default.

Optional parameter complete with a truthy value enables filtering for completely analyzed numbers.

Parameter atomic with a truthy value returns only atomic numbers. Atomic numbers are always marked with non-standard JSKOS field ATOMIC having value true.

Parameter format can be used to chose another format (deprecated, may be removed in a later version):

  • picajson returns a PICA/JSON record
  • pp returns a PICA Plain record; note: only one record can be requested at the time.



Please work on the dev branch during development (or better yet, develop in a feature branch and merge into dev when ready).

When a new release is ready (i.e. the features are finished, merged into dev, and all tests succeed), run the included release script (replace "patch" with "minor" or "major" if necessary):

npm run release:patch

This will:

  • Check that we are on dev
  • Run tests and build to make sure everything works
  • Make sure dev is up-to-date
  • Run npm version patch (or "minor"/"major")
  • Ask you to confirm the version
  • Push changes to dev
  • Switch to main
  • Merge changes from dev
  • Push main with tags
  • Switch back to dev

After running this, GitHub Actions will automatically create a new GitHub Release draft. Please edit and publish the release manually.


PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT Copyright (c) 2023 Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)