database package using hdbc-odbc
write native SQL for Postgres/MSSQL/Oracle/MySql/Sqlite using the ODBC protocol
fully configurable encoding of SQL input parameters and decoding of SQL output (see sqlhandler)
supports typed SQL signatures that fully describe the input and output.
supports multiple resultsets where supported, i.e. MSSQL and Postgres
optional template haskell methods for generating type safe signatures from SQL metadata
optional template haskell methods to generate database connections using configuration file conn.dhall
supports configurable logging
supports a configurable pretty printer of SQL results in table format leveraging SQL metadata
can mark your queries or connections as ReadOnly which is enforced at compile time
supports streaming queries using conduit combinators
supports predicates for SQL update results which rollback the transaction if the predicate fails
log.dhall has the logging configuration
conn.dhall has database connections for use in template haskell and testing
fill in the odbc driver information for the database connections that you want to use
stack ghci --test
:l test\integration\TestSqlite_TH.hs test\integration\TestConnections.hs
- run an untyped query
- s3W is a sqlite3 connection
- [] means no input parameters
>a <- fd $ runSqlRaw s3W [] "select 10 as age, 'abcd' as name union select 20,'xyz'"
>wprint a
1 of 1 Select 2 rows
| age | name |
| 10 | abcd |
| 20 | xyz |
>a <- fd $ runSqlRaw (sqliteX "s3.db") [] "select rowid,* from mixed limit 10"
>wprint a
1 of 1 Select 6 rows
¦ rowid ¦ id ¦ total ¦ eventdate ¦ description ¦
¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 123.76 ¦ 2010-01-02 ¦ first row ¦
¦ 2 ¦ 2 ¦ 212.04 ¦ 2005-03-04 ¦ second row ¦
¦ 3 ¦ 3 ¦ 0.0 ¦ 1990-10-12 ¦ third row ¦
¦ 4 ¦ 4 ¦ 10.34 ¦ 2007-01-02 ¦ fourth row ¦
¦ 5 ¦ 5 ¦ 20.56 ¦ 2012-01-02 ¦ fifth row ¦
¦ 6 ¦ 6 ¦ 777.0 ¦ 2005-01-02 ¦ sixth row ¦
it :: ()
-- run a typed query using refinement types
>a <- fd $ runSql s3W RNil s3_test1
>wprint a
resultset 1 Sel
¦ seconds ¦ ssn ¦
¦ R3:(2019-01-01 01:01:01 UTC,1546304461) ¦ R3:([123,34,2224],"123-34-2224") ¦
¦ R3:(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC,0) ¦ R3:([123,12,2222],"123-12-2222") ¦