Note: This project is still under development.
Cafe ringbuffer
Agrona real-logic
Compared to Binance, this project demonstrates superior performance in both throughput and latency.
- Setup dev
make setup-dev
--add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED
to the JVM arguments -
Run cluster
make run-cluster PORT=8080 GRPC_PORT=9500
make run-cluster PORT=8081 GRPC_PORT=9500
make run-cluster PORT=8082 GRPC_PORT=9500
- Run client
./gradlew :exchange-client:run-client -Pport=8090
- Run benchmark
./gradlew :benchmark-cluster:run-benchmark -Pport=8095
Client Swagger: http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html