Password cracker made in WASM Rust, inspired by the popular John the Ripper. The app uses a collection of password dictionaries or auto generated words combined with different algorithms to perform a brute force attack in order to get the ciphered password.
Please, refer to each crate documentation and check its licensing.
Download and install wasm-pack in case you don't have it.
# cd /src/ripper_wasm
# cargo install wasm-pack
Generate the WASM package
# cargo build
# wasm-pack build
Link locally the NPM package
# cd pkg
# npm link
# cd /src/site
# npm link rust_ripper_wasm
Install NPM dependecies
# npm install
# npm run serve
# docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t rust-ripper-wasm .
# docker run -p 8080:80 rust-ripper-wasm
The application is being deployed at Stage
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Check the LICENSE file out for license rights and limitations.