Imaginet implements several models which read sentences describing images and learn to build representations of these images grounded in the visual features of the corresponding images. These models were introduced in Chrupała et al 2015.
This repository contains the original implementation. New developments are taking place in Reimaginet
Currently, installation is manual. The main prerequisite is theano. Additionally, you will also need If you want to train new models on the Flickr30k or MSCOCO datasets, you'll also need You can simply add these libraries to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
You can use a pre-trained imaginet model to project sentences to the space of visual features. For example, given the model stored in data/multitask:
from imaginet import *
workflow = load_workflow('data/multitask')
sentences = ['dog chases cat', 'cat chases dog', 'cat chased by dog', 'an old man on a bench']
projected = workflow.project(sentences)
You can then, for example, see how similar the sentences are:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
print 1-cdist(projected, projected, metric='cosine')