At INSA Rouen, in Java 8 and using the RMI technology as part of a Distributed Computing course, creation of an instant messaging application, enabling users to chat from different machines.
Users can choose a pseudo, a profile avatar, and decide in which conversation they want to chat.
It is also possible to chat with an artificial intelligence (AI).
Finally, the user can also select words that he wants the application to filter.
There are two graphic interfaces available :
- one developed thanks to JavaFX
- the other one to be used in a terminal.
See :
- the WhatsASI code in the WhatsASI folder
- the specifications in the DS folder
- the architecture design of the application in the DC folder
- the full report of the project in the RAPPORT FINAL folder
Before compiling, set the ENDPOINT corresponding to your server's url in ClientTerminal or MessagerieClient.
compile client et server
./launchClient [terminal]
set argument to terminal if you want to use the terminal mode, leave it empty else.