Cloud Gateway's goal is to make it easy to store files in an object-based storage like Amazon S3 or Openstack Swift, while retaining the features of a POSIX filesystem.
Cloud Gateway is developed since 2011 by Nuage Labs SAS, and has been released as an Open Source Software in 2017 under the AGPLv3 license.
For Full documentation see
Install prerequisites:
sudo apt-get install build-essential bzip2 gzip git libreadline-dev libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all libcurl4-openssl-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-nf-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev libxml2-dev libevent-dev libfuse-dev libjson-c-dev cmake libz-dev libssl-dev
tar xjf libevaio_0_4.tar.bz2
cd rgacogne-libevaio-36c968b3ad5f
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make
sudo make install
Cloud Gateway's build is based on cmake
Get cloudgw:
git clone
cd cloudgw
To build in debug mode, you can simply do:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../src && make
In order to do a release build:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ../src && make
sudo apt-get install postgresql fuse
sudo sed -i 's,#user_allow_other,user_allow_other,' /etc/fuse.conf
sudo make install
sudo cp /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml.sample /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml
sudo bash /usr/local/share/cloudgateway/bin/
sudo groupadd cloudgw
sudo useradd -g cloudgw -m --home-dir /home/cloudgw cloudgw
sudo chgrp cloudgw /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml
sudo chmod g+rw /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml
If you are not using the systemd unit files:
sudo mkdir -p /run/cloudgateway
sudo chown cloudgw:cloudgw /run/cloudgateway
sudo chmod 0750 /run/cloudgateway
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/cloudgateway
sudo chown cloudgw:cloudgw /var/log/cloudgateway
sudo chmod 0750 /var/log/cloudgateway
For more options see the documentation (docs/ReferenceManual)
Add a Cloud Storage provider instance (here with OpenstackSwift Identity v2 with a TenantName) :
CloudGatewayAddInstance -n <Instance Name> \
-P Openstack \
-f /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml \
-i 2 -A <Authentication Endpoint> -c <Container Name> \
-u <Username> -p <Password> -T <Tenant Name>
Caution: Note that the container / bucket should exist before the Storage Manager is started. Caution: Please take care of the fact that the Openstack Authentication Endpoint URL does not contain the final /v1.0/, /v1.1/ or /v2.0/ part that some providers mention in their documentation, as it is automatically appended by Cloud Gateway.
- Add a filesystem using this provider
CloudGatewayAddFilesystem -i <Filesystem Name> \
-t Single \
-c <Cache Directory Full Path> \
-u <Full Threshold> \
-f /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml \
-m <Mount Point> \
<Instance Name>
- Create the cache folder
mkdir -m 0750 <Cache Directory Full Path>
chown cloudgw:cloudgw <Cache Directory Full Path>
- Launch CloudGateway
sudo -u cloudgw /usr/local/bin/CloudGatewayStorageManager start
- Mount the Filesystem
sudo mkdir <Mount Point>
sudo chown clougw <Mount Point>
sudo -u cloudgw /usr/local/bin/CloudGatewayMount <Filesystem Name> /usr/local/etc/CloudGatewayConfiguration.xml &
- Copy systemd service files
sudo cp /usr/local/share/cloudgateway/resources/cloudgatewaymount\@.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo cp /usr/local/share/cloudgateway/resources/cloudgateway.service /etc/systemd/system
LogsDirectory, LogsDirectoryMode, RuntimeDirectoryPreserve require systemd 235 (for Debian users, it is available in the stretch-backports repository).
- Reload systemd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Start CloudGateway
sudo systemctl start cloudgateway
- Mount the Filesystem
sudo systemctl start cloudgatewaymount@<Filesystem Name>