This Jupyter notebook will help aspiring data scientists learn and practice the necessary python code needed for many data science projects. Most of the material in this notebook is based on exercises that I completed from a course called Master Machine Learning by I highly recommend this course for new data scientists or veteran data scientists who require a refresher. I use the notebook regularly, especially when I forget important NumPy or Pandas syntax. Enjoy!
- You can insert "scratch" code cells using Insert > Insert Cell Below/Above in the toolbar.
- Remember, to run a cell, you can click into it anywhere and press
Shift + Enter
. - The
text in the code cell, usually preceded by a pound sign (hashtag or #) is a comment and is not executed. - A
folder accompanies the download from GitHub. It contains important data needed for some of the analyses in the notebook.
- Python Basics
- Data Structures
- Flow and Functions
- NumPy
- Pandas