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Vimium inner URLs

gdh1995 edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 7 revisions

"vimium://***" URLs is a collection of tricks to do some complex jobs with a line of text, like:

  • vimium://math 1+2 to compute "1+2"
  • vimium://copy abcd... to copy "abcd..." into the system clipboard
  • vimium://parse new-keyword full-URL to use custom search engine rules to smartly parse what you're searching and re-search with a new engine.
  • vimium://status toggle to toggle Vimium C's working status on the current tab

Some inner URLs will be translated into a new URL, and some others can make Vimium C execute special functions.

Page URLs

  • newtab: open the "New tab URL" on Vimium C Options page
  • options,settings, profile since v1.93.2: open Vimium C Options page
  • blank: open a safe blank webpage which supports Vimium C
  • show: open a special Vimium C page to display images and text
  • about,help,license,permissions,policy,privacy,readme,wiki:
    • point to some pages of
    • e.g. vimium://wiki returns

Function URLs

  • math,e,exec,eval,expr,calc,m: compute a mathematical expression
    • sum: compute summation of a list of numbers
    • mul: compute product of a list of numbers
    • avg,average: compute average of a list of numbers
    • e.g. vimium://math 2 * sin(PI / 4) returns "1.414213562373095"
    • e.g. vimium://sum 1 2 3 4 returns "10"
  • copy,cp: copy some text into the system clipboard
    • e.g. vimium://copy text-to-copy copies "text-to-copy"
  • copy-url,search-copy,search.copy,url-copy:
    • convert text into a complete URL, "execute" it (if possible) and then copy
    • e.g. vimium://copy-url 3 copies ""
    • e.g. vimium://copy-url vimium://math 2 * sin(PI / 4) copies "1.414213562373095"
  • url,u,search: convert text (with / without a keyword) into a complete URL
    • vimium://url g vimium c returns ""
    • vimium://url hello returns "" (if baidu is the default search engine)
  • urls (since v1.95): convert query words into several URLs and then open them
    • the syntax is vimium://urls/b|g|w:query words, and | can be replaced with the space character (U+0020)
    • query words should be appended "as is" after :
    • when | is used to split keywords, : can be replaced with the space character
  • parse,decode:
    • smartly parse what you're searching and re-search with a new search engine
  • paste:
    • (since v1.80.0) access text from your system clipboard and convert to a URL
    • (since v1.80.1) paste can be followed by a list of sed rules, and their delimeter is the Space character
  • cd (since v1.80.1):
    • construct URLs just like cd in terminal. Usage: vimium://cd <jump-level> [new-sub-path [any-URL]]
    • E.g. vimium://cd ... vimium-c/pulls will be converted to
    • vimium://cd /.. pulls will also be converted to
  • status,state: change Vimium C's working status on the current tab
    • have 4 sub-commands: toggle, disable, enable and reset
    • e.g. vimium://status enable enables Vimium C and ignores any exclusion rules
    • see [How to disable and re-enable it using a same hotkey][Enable-or-Disable-all-frames-by-a-shortcut] for details
  • run (since v1.93): followed by a command tree, which is just like an item in runKey's keys, and Vimium C will execute it
    • you may write a very long command tree, with complex parameters, and save it in your bookmark manager (let's name it v:cmd1)
    • then map xxx openBookmark title="v:cmd1" will run the given tree, so Custom key mappings can keep short


For "vimium://parse", Vimium C uses all "parsing-regexp" items to try to detect query words in the part, and the is all the text after .

If an regexp matches successfully, Vimium C redo a search for query words - it creates a new URL using the search engine of .

Here's a trick about key mappings:

map <f7> openUrl url="vimium://parse\u0020g\u0020$url" url_mask="$url" reuse=-2


  • "openUrl" is the command name
  • "url=" means the wanted URL
  • "url_mask=" means to replace a part of with the current tab's URL
  • "reuse=" can be: 0 (current tab) / 1 (reuse: if there's a tab whose URL is target URL, then go to it, otherwise open a new tab) / -1 (new active tab) / -2 (new background tab)

Therefore, when you press <f7>, Vimium C will

  • find a url_mask option, so ask Chrome for the current tab's information
    • let's say the URL is ""
  • replace the "$url" part in <url> with the tab's URL
    • get "vimium://parse g"
    • "\u0020" is the Unicode representation of the space character
  • convert the <url> into a real, browser-supported URL,
    • find "vimium://parse", so go to parse query words
    • let's say there has been a parsing regexp for the website, then Vimium C can find the query words: [abc]
    • create a new URL using keyword "g", and get ""
  • open the URL in a new background tab, since <reuse> is -2