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An attempt of a production-grade OpenClinica deployment using Docker with nginx reverse-proxy and Let's Encrypt https:// termination.


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The primary goal of this project is to create a production-grade deployment of the latest version of the Community Edition of OpenClinica (v3.14) using Docker and docker-compose for deployment.

The secondary goal is to set up a system that supports multiple independent instances of OpenClinica databases behind a reverse proxy (nginx) with https:// termination, via Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.

As of writing (25th July, 2018), both goals have been achieved (more or less). It is certainly not perfect, and rough around the edges. However, it is a plausible v1.0.0 ... While there is not a formal road-map yet, there is one in my head, so improvements are coming.

The pattern to support multiple instances of OpenClinica is to have a root URL with databases as branches, <ROOT_URL>/<OPEN_CLINICA_DATABASE>. E.g.

  • Landing Page:;
  • Database #1: and
  • Database #2:

However, be warned, I really don't know what I am doing yet. This project is for learning and to get experience. Comments and criticisms welcome. Also this is my first GitHub project of my own ...

The project is based on the work of others. I want to give especial credit to:

  • Jens Piegsa. See:

  • The BRC Clinical Informatics Team, particularly Ollie Freeman, whose assistance and expertise was essential to get this working. I am extremely grateful for his help and training. I learnt a lot ...

Any errors etc., are likely to be mine.



  • An editor or IDE. I used Visual Studio Code, with the following extensions:
    • Docker: peterjausovec.vscode-docker
    • nginx.conf: shanoor.vscode-nginx
    • YAML Support by Red Hatredhat.vscode-yaml
    • GitLens: eamodio.gitlens


Clone repository

  • In project root:

      git clone

Adapt code-base

General Considerations

  • This code-base has two branches: (1) master; and (2) develop. These are NOT used conventionally.
    • master: a non-functional repository with templates for DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCTION environment and their deployment.
    • develop: a working development environment, suitable for local development on any machine.

html folder

  • This folder holds the html for the landing page for the installation. I use it as a jumping off point for the various databases of interest.
  • I just have an index.html page with styling provided by the ultra simple getskeleton css framework. See:
  • Adapt to your needs ...
  • NB more complexity will require changing (at the very least) the nginx.conf file.

letsencrypt folder

  • Delete the create_your_own_pem_file_and_remove_this.txt file.

  • Create a suitable .pem file.

  • In project root execute:

    cd letsencrypt/dh-param
    rm create_your_own_pem_file_and_remove_this.txt
    sudo openssl dhparam -out dhparam-2048.pem 2048

models folder

  • Nothing to do. Just a diagram of what I am attempting to do.

openclinica folder

  • Nothing to do.
  • This folder provides a de-novo build of OpenClinica v3.14 based on the downloads from the OpenClinica Website. The Dockerfile and are adapted from Jen Piega's work.

docker-compose.yml file

  • The file works in both DEVELOPMENT, and PRODUCTION environments.
  • This infrastructure (at this stage) requires 1 nginx proxy nginx-proxy; 1 or more OpenClinica (tomcat) instances; and 1 or more associated postgres instances.
  • A complete OpenClinica database requires and OpenClinica (tomcat) and postgres container.
  • In the file below:
    • If you are NOT using https:// then delete the following lines:
      • /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/fullchain.pem:/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/fullchain.pem
      • /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/privkey.pem:/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/privkey.pem
    • If you ARE using https:// then replace ZZZZ with the domain name for which you have obtained Let's Encrypt SSL certificates as per the instructions in the nginx_letsencrypt.conf notes below.
    • To create and deploy TWO databases, replace XXXX & YYYY with the names of the databases you wish.
    • To add another OpenClinica database copy and paste the XXXX-oc & XXXX-pg services and then rename the XXXX accordingly. Then add the pertinent entries in the volumes section.
version: '3.6'


    image: nginx:latest
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
      - ./html:/usr/share/nginx/html
      - ./letsencrypt/dh-param/dhparam-2048.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/dhparam-2048.pem
      - /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/fullchain.pem:/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/fullchain.pem
      - /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/privkey.pem:/etc/letsencrypt/live/ZZZZ/privkey.pem
    restart: unless-stopped

    build: ./openclinica
      - DB_HOST=XXXX-pg  
      - XXXX_oc-data:/usr/local/tomcat/
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: postgres:9.5
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres123
      - XXXX_ocdb-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - $PWD/
    restart: unless-stopped

    build: ./openclinica
      - DB_HOST=YYYY-pg
      - YYYY_oc-data:/usr/local/tomcat/
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: postgres:9.5
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres123
      - YYYY_ocdb-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - $PWD/
    restart: unless-stopped

  • You may wish to change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable to something different. However, bear in mind the postgres instances are NOT exposed to the host.

  • This need not be changed unless you are concerned with using the standard default passwords for the postgres database OpenClinica uses.
  • However, if you do change it you will also need to change the environment variable DB_PASS in the Dockerfile in the openclinica folder.
  • One of my TODOs is to implement the DB_PASS environment variable into this file so that it can be properly overridden in the docker-compose.yml file.

nginx_development.conf file

  • The nginx_development.conf file is a template for a local development environment based on localhost. It does not support https://
  • To implement, follow the instructions in the file and rename to nginx.conf

nginx_letsencrypt.conf file

  • The nginx_letsencrypt.conf file is a template that is needed to obtain Let's Encrypt SSL files.

  • To implement, rename to nginx.conf and then customise according to the instructions in the file. Then ...

  • Spin up the infrastructure and once running execute in project root after replacing DIRECTORY_WHERE_PROJECT_CLONED, YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS and YOUR_DOMAIN with your values:

    sudo docker run -it --rm \
    -v /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt \
    -v /docker-volumes/var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt \
    -v /DIRECTORY_WHERE_PROJECT_CLONED/production-openclinica-docker/html:/data/letsencrypt \
    -v "/docker-volumes/var/log/letsencrypt:/var/log/letsencrypt" \
    certbot/certbot \
    certonly --webroot \
    --email YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS --agree-tos --no-eff-email \
    --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt \
  • For how this works please see:

nginx_production.conf file

  • The nginx_production.conf file is a template for a production environment based on a deployment on a server that already has DNS for the domain name sorted.
  • IT DEPENDS ON nginx_letsencrypt.conf above being used. Specifically, nginx_production.conf depends on the Let's Encrypt SSL certificates being obtained, which can be done if the steps above are followed. Once done then ...
  • To implement, follow the instructions in the comments in the file and rename to nginx.conf.

Build and pull down images and spin up containers

  • Once the appropriate customization's as per instructions are done then.

  • In project root:

    # If you want to see log files
    docker-compose up
    # Or
    docker-compose -d up

    NB: The images (even when present) and the containers can take a long time to spin up -- 2-5 min. May be shorter, but don't count on it. Using docker-compose up is useful to see when things complete.

https:// and Let's Encrypt

  • The SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt will expire unless renewed manually or functionality developed to do so automatically.

  • For the latter there is some instructions in:

  • When I have implemented it for myself I will update the documentation accordingly.

  • For the former you can do the following (tried and tested):

    • In the project root execute (replacing DIRECTORY_WHERE_PROJECT_CLONED, YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, YOUR_DOMAIN & NAME_OF_YOUR_NGINX_PROXY_SERVICE with your values):
  sudo docker run -it --rm \
  -v /docker-volumes/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt \
  -v /docker-volumes/var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt \
  -v /DIRECTORY_WHERE_PROJECT_CLONED/production-openclinica-docker/html:/data/letsencrypt \
  -v "/docker-volumes/var/log/letsencrypt:/var/log/letsencrypt" \
  certbot/certbot \
  certonly --webroot \
  --email YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS --agree-tos --no-eff-email \
  --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt \

  docker-compose restart NAME_OF_YOUR_NGINX_PROXY_SERVICE


  • This is still a work in progress.

  • Sensitive configurations and passwords are visible in this code-base. Ultimately, these will be abstracted away and put into uncommitted config files and/or Docker secrets. But ...

    NB In the mean-time, having these present are (arguably) not an issue because they require access to the machines(s) in question. Such access is secured. My development machines are separate VMs LUKs encrypted and spun down when not in use and my production machine only accepts non-root SSH login via public/private key.

  • OpenClinica is sensitive to whether postgres is ready when it deploys. No mechanism is presently in place to ensure the proper sequence. To date, I have not experienced any problems.

  • If the host machine is re-booted or shutdown without the containers being shutdown first, then you can get a 'Waiting for changelog lock' error. This is caused by a corrupted table on postgres giving liquibase a hissy-fit. See: Have not tested an elegant fix. You can resolve the error by bring down the containers and deleting the postgres persistance volume. E.g. panbordex_ocdb-data and restoring from backups if you have them.

  • Webservices are installed in theory but have not been tested if they work. Unlikely that they do. Getting these operational is on the TODO list.



An attempt of a production-grade OpenClinica deployment using Docker with nginx reverse-proxy and Let's Encrypt https:// termination.







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