rustup run nightly cargo build
rustup run nightly cargo run -- -c <configuration path>
Server and database sections are optional. If not included in the configuration file, default values will be used. The server section contains the address and port to use for starting the API server. The database section contains the configuration information used for connecting to a CockroachDB instance.
'secret' is used to sign JSON Web Tokens assigned to users when they login for access to the API. It is recommened to create a random string of 512b to be used for the secret. A random secret can be generated using the following command:
openssl rand -base64 512
address = ""
port = 8000
secret = ""
user = "database user"
host = ""
port = 26572
cert_file = "/path/to/user/cert"
cert_key_file = "/path/to/user/cert/key/file"
ca_file = "/path/to/ca/file"