Arduino simple examples to play with using the Elegoo Electronics Fun Kit - E3.
- Serial. Simple serial communication.
- Blink. Turn on and off a LED.
- RGB_LED. Different colors in a RGB LED.
- Digital_inputs. Push buttons changing the state of a LED.
- Active_buzzer. Generate a sound with an active buzzer.
- Pasive_buzzer. Generate different sounds using a pasive buzzer.
- Serial_to_parallel. Drive 8 LEDs using a 74HC595 serial to parallel converter.
- Serial_monitor. Control 8 LEDs from the serial monitor through a 74HC595 serial to parallel converter.
- Photocell. Measure light intensity using a photocell and control the number of LEDs to be lit through a 74HC595 serial to parallel converter.
Use the schematics provided by Elegoo, which are based on common examples for new commers.
Download the repository and flash the Arduino:
- For VSCode, modify the arduino.json and c_cpp_properties.json files.
- For the Arduino IDE, put the .ino file you want to use in a folder of the same name.