The request component handles request by a person to an organization, and validation thereof. Examples of requests could be a persons wishing to declare a relocation (verhuizing in dutch) to his new municipality or an intention to marry (melding voorgenomen huwelijk) to his or her municipality.
Requests signify a request that has either been made by a person/organization to an specific organization, or an request that is being formulated by a person/organization but has not yet been submitted to an organization. As such an requests can be stateless and is by definition without consequence until it is submitted. They represent a form free option for anything that is not an case and a handling route for information that will never become an case.
Requests are designed to align with both DSO and the case api zaak-api, but primarily serves to support a process. As such, small design interpretation might differ. They can be found in the design_considerations.
Request cannot be seen as an standalone entity as they take their definition from request types where the actual rules that a request should adhere to are defined. Requests on them self only serve to store the in between and end results of processes.
Read more about how to ask questions, report or contribute (with code, documentaition or examples) in
- Development roadmap
- How to contribute
- Installation of this component
- Making commonground components
- Securing this component
- Design considerations
A hosted version of the OAS documentation and an demo version of the API can be found on
This repository uses the power of the commonground proto component provide common ground specific functionality based on the VNG Api Strategie. Including
- Build in support for public API's like BAG (Kadaster), KVK (Kamer van Koophandel)
- Build in validators for common dutch variables like BSN (Burger service nummer), RSIN(), KVK(), BTW()
- AVG and VNG proof audit trails, Wildcard searches, handling of incomplete date's and underInvestigation objects
- Support for NLX headers
- And much more ....
This component was created by conduction ( for the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch. But based on the common ground proto component. For more information on building your own common ground component please read the tutorial.
Copyright Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch 2019