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Couchnode - Fast and Native Node.JS Client for Couchbase

This library allows you to connect to a Couchbase cluster from node.js. It is very fast and utilizes the binary protocol via a native node.js addon.

Basic installation and usage

To install this module, we'll assume you are using NPM. However it is not as simple as a regular JavaScript module, as it depends on the C-library for Couchbase clients, libcouchbase. Libcouchbase also powers other dynamic language clients, such as Ruby and PHP, so if you've worked with those clients you should feel right at home.

First, you must install libcouchbase (version 2.1 or greater)

On a mac, you can use homebrew this should be as easy as running:

brew install libcouchbase

Building from Git

Since you're reading this README, we're assuming you're going to be building from source. In this case, cd into the source root directory and run

npm install --debug

If your libcouchbase prefix is not inside the linker path, you can pass the --couchbase-root option over to npm like so:

npm install --debug --couchbase-root=/sources/libcouchbase/inst

Note that --couchbase-root also sets the RPATH flags and assumes you are using an ELF-based platform (i.e. not OS X). To build on OS X, edit the bindings.gyp to replace -rpath with the appropriate linker flags.

API description


To use this module, first do:

var Couchbase = require('couchbase');
var cb = new Couchbase.Connection({bucket: "default"}, function(err) { });

Note that you do not need to wait for the connection callback in order to start performing operations.

Dealing with keys and values

For API illustration, the best bet at the current time is a small example http hit counter. There is also [the test suite which shows more details.] (

The basic method summary is:

cb.get(key, function (err, result) {
  console.log("Value for key is: " + result.value);

cb.set(key, value, function (err, result) {
  console.log("Set item for key with CAS: " + result.cas);

// Then the similar methods of add, replace, append, prepend:
cb.add(key, value, function (err, result) {});
cb.replace(key, value, function (err, result) {});
cb.append(key, value, function (err, result) {});
cb.prepend(key, value, function (err, result) {});

// Increment or decrement a numeric value:
cb.incr(key, { delta: 42, initial: 20 }, function(err, result) {
  console.log("New value for counter is: " + result.value);
cb.decr(key, { delta: 99, default: 1024 }, function (err, result) {});

// Remove items
cb.remove(key, function (err, result));

// Set multiple items:
  key1: { value: value1 },
  // You can set per-key options, like expiry as well.
  key2: { value: value2, expiry: 1000 } },

  // Use the "spooled" option to ensure the callback is invoked only once
  // with the result for all the items.
  { expiry: 300, spooled: true  },
  function (err, results) {

// Get multiple items:
// Note we don't pass options and don't use spooled, so the callback is
// invoked for each key.
cb.getMulti(["key1", "key2", "key3"], null, function(err, result) {
  console.log("Got result for key.. " + result.value);

Contributing changes



libcouchbase node.js access







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  • C++ 50.7%
  • JavaScript 44.0%
  • C 3.4%
  • Other 1.9%