Give physical impact to your digital communications.
- Product Owner: Conor Flannigan
- Scrum Master: Anneke Floor
- Project Manager: Chris Rinaldi
In Browser:
ionic serve
from command line
Make sure you have Android SDK installed on the host computer. Check out this guide for detailed instructions.
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
ionic run android
ionic platform add [PLATFORM]
ionic build [PLATFORM]
ionic emulate [PLATFORM]
iOS (device):
You'll need an Apple Developer account for this. Once you have an account and have set up XCode
with your certificates to enable device testing, you'll want to open the XCode project from
and run the build from XCode.
- npm
- Ionic & Cordova
- Cordova InAppBrowser plugin
- Cordova GeoLocation plugin
- Cordova Device plugin
- Cordova Camera plugin
- Cordova Facebook Connect plugin
For generating documentation:
- Gulp
- docco-toc npm module
- gulp-run npm module
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
ionic plugin add [PLUGIN.LOCATION]
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.