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CelebA facial attribute prediction - attractiveness

updated with python script because it's harder to set up jupyter kernel using the gpu cluster.

The Problem

Predict a binary facial attribute in the CelebA dataset using deep learning. Investigate whether shortfuse will improve performance.


Pretrained VGG-16 with the last linear layer modified for binary classification.

model = models.vgg16_bn(pretrained=True)
num_ftrs = model.classifier[6].in_features
model.classifier[6] = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, 2)

Experiments Without Hybrid Layers

  1. First tried a resnet-18 pretrained on ImageNet and froze the layers except for the last one. Had about 63% validation accuracy.
  2. Then replaced pretrained resnet with a pretrained VGG-16. Trained on one epoch over the training set and the val accuracy was about 73%. The transfer learning does not perform well for either model.
  3. Tried to train vgg-16 from scratch (without pretraining on ImageNet). High memory use and could not perform this locally. Had to use the cluster to compute but the accuracy was horrible - barely over 50%
  4. We finally took a pre-trained VGG-16 but re-trained it on CelebA - aka no parameter was frozen at the beginning and every layer was retrained. This gave the best performance - validation accuracy about 78-79% on attrativeness attribute prediction. batchsize=8

Hybrid Conv2d Layer

One of the core feature of this project is the implementation of a customized convolutional layer. Unlike the vanilla convolutional layers, our hybrid conv layer takes a structured covariate as parameter, and this cov variable will activate the learning of certain weights when its value is non-zero.

Pytorch layers are implemented as classes that extend nn.Module, and so we defined two weight matrices and introduce the covariate as a single scaler whose value depends on the sample that goes through. The only other thing we had to do is defining the forward pass.

ex. if the current training image has a label "male", then the conv parameter of the hybrid layer will be 1 for that sample

This will be adapted to 3D tasks (brain MRIs) if needed. If 2D works, 3D should work as well.

Experiments With Hybrid Layers

First experiment terrible results - 0.52 val acc [with normal weight initialization]

3/14 update

The two-layer hybrid cnn now works! It took some tricks to make this network work:

  • Had to define different forward passes with different covariate values
  • At each iteration only one image can pass through the network so batch size can only be 1
    • If we don't do this we'd have a RuntimeError: boolean value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous
    • because we'd have multiple images but only one integer for the cov value
  • No nn.Sequential containers because we need to customize forward passes; but that's fine because we're not really doing a two layer net anyway

The TODOs remain the same for now; a few additional things:


  • Modify the vgg net and replace the early layers with the hybrid conv layers [done]
  • try plot the loss while training
  • saving checkpoint code should be changed - just name the checkpoint with the experiment_name
  • log training loss into a log file [done]
  • save/load the dataloader to save time, 'dataloader.pth')
  • Have this extendable to 3D conv layers because we're eventually going to work with ADNI images
  • add F1 score as a performance measure

3/21 update

  • So after researching online I found that it's not the best idea to pull the pytorch source code and modify it directly rather, we should create our own model that extends VGG or just nn.Module and

3/23 update

  • there are most likely something wrong with the other parts of the code after running three experiements on titanX
  • set s=0 for all cov for vgg with hybrid layers, batchsize=1 => val acc = 0.52
  • regular vgg16 with batchsize=1 => val acc = 0.48
  • regualr vgg16 with batchsize=8 => val acc = 0.52 (exactly the same as exp1 which is even more strange)
    • this used to be 0.78-0.79
  • loss oscillates between 0.6x-0.7x

3/24 update

I thought the script had problems so I went back to commit bfa4b43 and checked out in another branch and pulled the old script. Then I ran the following experiments:

  • exp1: vgg16_bn batchsize=16 old script [val acc = 0.783] - finished under 1 hour
  • exp2: vgg16 batchsize=16 old script [val acc = 0.5200583882820758] - ocsillating training loss
  • exp3: vgg16 bacthsize=1 old script [val acc = 0.5200583882820758] - unstable training
  • exp4: vgg16_bn batchsize=1 old script [val acc = 0.4799416117179242] - gradient vanished
  • exp5: vgg16_bn batchsize=16 new script [val acc = 0.791]

And so I realized the problem was probably that I gave up on vgg16_bn when I thought my hybrid layer couldn't handle minibacthes. From the experiments we can see how important BatchNorm is for our task. If we have pure SGD then we can't use BN. Now I know that it is crucial to first enable the hybrid layers

So right now the TODO is make hybrid layers take batch inputs and run it with vgg16_bn

ps to debug locally maybe you can load just the val set AS training set? To figure out shapes and stuff That way we may be able to avoid the CUDA out of memory error

0.4799416117179242 and 0.5200583882820758 - that's just the model predicting all 0's or 1's. Why? We now see how much BatchNorm helps stablize training - we will try more batchsizes and find the best one


  • make hybrid layers take batch inputs and run it with vgg16_bn
    • You're going to find this in F.Conv2d (input, weight, bias, ...) where input = (minibatch,in_channels,iH,iW)
  • add f1 score as metrics
  • at one point you will have to revisit the eval code, maybe add cross validation etc

More exp: exp1: batchsize=32 => val acc = 0.806 exp2: batchsize=64 => val acc = 0.805

4/6 updates

TODOs: For each minibatch of size N, with the kernel param W0 and W1, you first convolve each data point in the minibatch with either W0 or W0+W1 (depend on the covariate), then you concat all the output of N convolution, do batchnorm

4/9 update

So we made it that the hybrid layers could take batch inputs; here is the stack of logic:

  1. In forward pass of, we have outputs = model(images, cov_attr), where model is an instance of MyVGG() and a minibatch of images and their corresponding covariates (together as a 1d tensor) are passed in
  2. In, class MyVGG() first calls vgg16_bn(pretrained=True) to instantiate a pretrained vgg16_bn, then replace the first conv layer with a hybrid conv layer. In the forward pass, image and cov enter the hybrid_conv2d layer together
  3. In model/, we have class Hybrid_Conv2d and here's how this layer works:
  • Conv kernels gets updated per minibatch
  • Each conv kernel consists of two weight tensors, W_0 and W_1 (with Kaiming initialization), plus the covarite cov[i]. It is ultimately either W_0 or W_0+W_1 depending on whether cov[i] = 0 or 1
  • As discussed, cov is an array of covariates (male=1, female=0) and the i-th cov is a scalar.
  • In the forward pass, we have a for loop that iterates over each data point in the mini batch
  • for each data point, kernel is computed as k_i = W_0 + W_1 * S_i where it is a scalar multiplication.
  • Then we expand the first dimension of the image to make it has shape (1, 3, 224, 224)
  • Then a standard 2D convolution is done with the kernel k_i and a single image x[i]
  • Then after processing each data point in the minibatch, all the outputs of the Conv2d are concatenated into one
  • This output is the final output of the hybrid layer and then it becomes the input of the BatchNorm2d layer.


The first time I ran the hybrid vgg it only gave me a 0.7 validation accuracy / f1 micro score. Then I ran 9 experiments with dummy covariates being all 0's, all 1's and the normal covariates in the hybrid layer, each crossed with batchsize = 16, 32, and 64. The results were all similar ranging from 0.78-0.80.

I also noticed some very nice looking loss plots which has never occured before. That is, there was actually a visible downward loss curve instead of loss values just oscillating throughout the training.


  1. Cross validation using the train-val split; use the test set eventually
  2. Make some graphics for your paper presentation; such as the hyrbrid CNN structure
  3. Tune learning rate
  4. One more feature than gender?
  5. Have a slideshow presentation
  6. Log the entire stdout to file including the timestamps outputted by tqdm

Manuscript Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Background (multi-modal ML - learning from structured info)
  • Literature Review (shortfuse, LiuNet, Flare, CelebA sota?)
  • CelebA dataset (target labels, pytorch support, train-val-test splits)
  • Network structure (graphics, hybrid conv)
  • Experiments (tables, baseline, hybrid, Batch input, different LR)
  • Observation (evaluation metrics + results + plots)
  • Discussion / Future direction (on 3D medical imaging)

4/10 Update

More experiment results came in, with varying learning rates. I found that batchsize=32 and lr=1e-5 seemed to have the best performance at 0.813. Batchsize=64 and lr=1e-5 also had 0.804 which wasn't bad. More detailed info at experiment_outputs/hybrid_varying_lr

4/12 update


  1. Get more covariates (how to make it take an arbitrary number of covariates?)
  2. Move the layer to second/third conv layer (hypothesis: extract higher level features)

4/29 update

New covariates: smiling, young, high_cheekbones We say that when all three covariates are positive (1) the network will learn to predict 'attractive'

The new model takes all three covariates instead of just "gender" in the previous experiments; This new architecture can be easily modified again to take more than 3 covariates, althought at this point we can't simply pass them as arguments yet.

Specifically to modify the cov, you need to change them in the main script and the self.num_cov in the hybrid_conv file

The implementation included a nested loop in the forward pass in hybrid_conv2d_v2, which may slow down running time. Although that both loops have a fixed length so the order of the time complexity doesn't technically increase.

*The multi-cov experiments are run on m40-long GPU because I ran into cuda memory error on TitanX.

4/30 update

Results: both later fused layers and multi-covariate experiments worked and gave above 0.80 accuracy/F1 score. But there isn't significant increase from baseline or the model with only one covariate; so we will just report it as is.

5/3 update

Manuscript almost finished; working on slideshow presentation