Starred repositories
Library for the creation of HUDs in iPhone applications.
NSRegularExpression extensions that make regular expressions easier in Objective-C, Swift, iOS, OSX
🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
A useful and gesture interaction BottomSheetView!
UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
iOS project comprising a collection of demos for iOS Apps, developed in Objective-C;iOSProject iOSdemo iOSdemos ocdemo ocdemos
☔ A collection of iOS animation repos
A layout for UICollectionView that aligns the cells to the left.
🍞🎨 Full-featured photo image editor using canvas. It is really easy, and it comes with great filters.
GPAC Ultramedia OSS for Video Streaming & Next-Gen Multimedia Transcoding, Packaging & Delivery
50 Custom iOS Activity Indicators. Free for you to use. Subclasses of native UIActivityIndicatorView.
An elegant solution to the iOS screen adaptation problem
Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
FaveButton is an iOS cute animated like button written in Swift.
Adds animated counting support to UILabel.
📈📊📱💻🖥️An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gau…
BRPickerView 封装的是iOS中常用的选择器组件,主要包括:日期选择器(支持年月日、年月等15种日期样式选择,支持设置星期、至今等)、地址选择器(支持省市区、省市、省三种地区选择)、自定义字符串选择器(支持单列、多列、二级联动、三级联动选择)。支持自定义主题样式,适配深色模式,支持将选择器组件添加到指定容器视图。
Controller with menu bar that can slide and handles UIScrollView Nested
滚动公告、广告,支持灵活自定义cell。淘宝、口碑、京东、美团、天猫等等一切滚动广告 Roll Notice or Advertising, customize cell as UITableViewCell supported, Swift version is also ready
A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame