Ansible role to install the HashiCorp build automation tools like Packer and Terraform on Red Hat Linux systems.
This role was developed and tested on a Mint 20.2 system using Molecule 3 with the Docker driver and Red Hat 7 and 8 containers from Red Hat's Container Registry. A simple Dockerfile and configuration are included.
Molecule 3 changed the default verifier to Ansible (from testinfra). A basic test setup for Molecule 3 is included as well.
Full instructions for setting up this environment are available at
To use official RHEL images you'll need to generate a Red Hat Container Registry service account. (Yes, you can do this with the free Red Hat Developer subscription.) You'll then need to provide your username and password token to the molecule.yml file; I just used shell variables but you could also use a CI/CD tool like Travis or other methods.
- ansible
- molecule
- python
GNU General Public License v3.0
Geoff Stratton