The program “FeatureRenderer” symbolizes all existing entries in the UniqueValueRenderer (individual value classification) of a given ArcMap Layer. Therefore the UniqueValueRenderer should contain (if desired?) all available values related to the legend table - with „AddAllValues“ added automatically. Legend entries can be excluded by manual preselection in the UniqueValueRenderer of the Layer.
Binary downloads of the ArcMap plugin can be found at the following links:
- Windows - FeatureRenderer.esriAddIn
Execute the file "FeatureRenderer.esriAddIn".
- VisualStudio 2015 - IDE
- ArcObjects SDK 10.3 for the Microsoft .NET Framework - ArcMap SDK
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Martin Schiegl - Initial work
- Arno Kaimbacher - Ported to object oriented C# code
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
All rights reserved under the copyright laws of Austria. - see the file for details