A place that combines different libraries/codes/etc. regarding AsyncDisplayKit.
If you find some libraries/links that might be interesting, please submit a pull request to add it to the list. Provide a description for what the link contains to explain to others what they expect to find.
- The docs
- Slack channel
- Examples & Sample code: This is a great place to look when you have something in mind, you might actually find a working solution to inspire you.
- Even more examples: If you didn't find what you were looking for, this might nudge you in the right direction.
- Official YouTube channel
- Official resources: You will be able to find links to videos, examples and other official resources here.
- AsyncDisplayKit 2.0 Tutorial: Getting Started: A good tutorial to help you get start with using and understanding AsyncDisplayKit
- Flexbox Froggy: A game that helps you grasp some of the ideas behind flexbox by writing ASDK code in Objective-C.
- ASLayout playground: A ready-made playground example to learn ASLayout, but it can also be used as a starter example, you can simply delete everything in the playground file and start from scratch.
- NMessenger: eBay's messaging component written in Swift with ASDK.
- ASDKCustomCollectionViewSwift: You can check this example out to learn more about how to create custom UICollectionViewLayout or how to extend existing libraries to leverage the power of ASDK.